Maryam Gadery – Ta safe space pour prendre soin de toi et devenir la meilleure version de toi-même
August 5, 2023
June 29, 2023
Human tend to emphasis on bad things
What Is the Negativity Bias?
The negativity bias is our tendency not only to register negative stimuli more readily but also to dwell on these events. Also known as positive-negative asymmetry, this negativity bias means that we feel the sting of a rebuke more powerfully than we feel the joy of praise.
This psychological phenomenon explains why bad first impressions can be so difficult to overcome and why past traumas can have such long lingering effects. In almost any interaction, we are more likely to notice negative things and later remember them more vividly.
As humans, we tend to:
- Remember traumatic experiences better than positive ones.
- Recall insults better than praise.
- React more strongly to negative stimuli.
- Think about negative things more frequently than positive ones.
- Respond more strongly to negative events than to equally positive ones.
For example, you might be having a great day at work when a coworker makes an offhand comment that you find irritating. You then find yourself stewing over his words for the rest of the workday.
When you get home from work and someone asks you how your day was, you reply that it was terrible—even though it was overall quite good despite that one negative incident.
March 30, 2023
Canon Canon de Pachelbel en 432 hz – 8 acides aminés
Cette musique relaxante a la particularité d’avoir huit notes correspondants exactement aux huit acides aminés primordiales chez l’homme. On sait aujourd’hui que chaque acide aminé possède sa propre fréquence qui se fixe en oscillation. Ces huit notes essentielles font parties de notre chaîne polypeptidiques (chaîne de 10 à 100 acides aminés reliés). Son écoute pénètre notre corps qui va être stimulé dans la protéine d’activation de la GTPase. Cette activation permet aux circuits enzymatiques de réguler le métabolisme de la biosynthèse, tous les réactions chimique de notre corps, gestion du chaud et du froid, digestion, rythmes cardiaque etc. Dans sa composition Canon Pachabel a voulu s’assurer qu’elle fasse du bien quelque soit le moment où on la prend dans l’écoute, en lui attribuant de nombreux couplets sur des rythmes différents. Les basses ayant une fréquence de résonnance choisit par Pachelbel , elles viennent réconforter le thème initial au niveau du rapport entre les fréquences. La protéine nourrit par cette musique produit un puissant anti stress pour l’homme. Un seul conseil… écoutez là le plus souvent et vous verrez…
March 26, 2023
The Mudra of Infinity to protect yourself from the negative around you.
The Mudra of Infinity to protect yourself from the negative around you.
February 21, 2023
These web pages are dedicated to the most important aspect of man’s life: seeking and knowing Truth.
For more than a decade, the Chopra Center for Well being has served as a beautiful, nurturing place where people can come to heal their physical pain, find emotional freedom, empower themselves, and connect to their inner spiritual life.
Alliance for a new humanity
Creating alliances toward one world that honors life and builds an awareness of humanity’s interconnectedness.
Books that i encourage to read :
– Dr Deepak Chopra – The seven spiritual laws of success
– Dr Deepak Chopra – The book of coincidences
– Richard Feynman – The nature of physics
Fractals and their influence in everyday’s life.
As it is shown in this animation, we can zoom as much as we want in the pattern, each part of which it is made of (microcosm) is the reflection of the pattern in its wholeness (macrocosm). It’s an universal property of the universe. The whole universe reflects to himself in the biggest galaxy to the smallest particle of our body. One particularity of this principle is that even if you cut a part of a body named A into two parts B and C, these last two parts contain nevertheless all the potential of A (like our cells in our body which divide themselves continually during our life (cf holography)). Certain kinds of animals manifest this property flagrantly. See the following videos :
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Keeping in mind my explanations on fractals above, believing that each of us (microcosm) are separated each other, by the mean of space and time is an illusion. By enlarging our field of spirit, we realize that we all are one (macrocosm, universe), and that each of us is the reflect of this macrocosm, no matter the space and time that separe us. Everything inhabits everything, and is interdependent (cf EPR paradox).
When we become conscious of all these facts in a permanent way : ego, susceptibility, the need to judge, the need to justify ourselves to the others, fear, the need to defend your own point of view, changing mood, reprimands, pride, the fear of the unknown and fear of the uncertainty, suffering : all of these things end up to disappear. Then, we adopt thoughts and behaviors which allow to improve each of our lifes (in the image of the whole). You will realize then that by applying the spiritual laws of life and success (see the books above), other problems (existing prior to your journey to the enlightenment) that appear to be non linked unveil their solution at the same time. It is not the duty of the universe to satisfy our personnal caprices, but we need to tune ourselves (as a musical instrument) to the intentions of the universe, with the help of those teachings. Then, the contrarieties that you met in your daily life will become more and more rare, and by the same you will contribute to make disapear the contrarieties of other persons (both (you and the others) are inseparable). Those subjects are explained in the books that i suggest you to read (see above). This website contains information from many sources relating to the spiritual awakening and evolution of Humanity, the nature of reality and Consciousness, what is happening on earth and in our solar system/galaxy/universe, and prophecies for these times.