' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' CheckString.RqAsm ; ; Rejects all character below 33 and over 127 in String to Work on ; and change lowercase chars to uppercase chars : 'a' to 'A', 'z' to 'Z' ; The new string is written at pointer ptrReturnedString ; The function returns the length of the returnedString ; ; ptrString a pointer to the string to work on ; stringLen length of the string to work on (to allow binStrings) ; ptrReturnedString a pointer to a buffer long enough for returned string function CheckString ptrString stringLen ptrReturnedString push esi push edi push ecx push edx ; mov esi, ptrString mov edi, ptrReturnedString mov ecx, stringLen mov edx, 0 ; Returned String Char Counter dec esi inc ecx ; .LoopCheckNextChar: inc esi dec ecx jz .EndOfCheck ; finished mov al, [esi] cmp al, 33 jc .LoopCheckNextChar ; rejected below 33d, 33d not rejected cmp al, 128 jnc .LoopCheckNextChar ; rejected over 127d, 127d not rejected cmp al, 97 ; 97d : FROM 'a' to 'A' jc .CharOk cmp al, 123 ; 122d : TO 'z' to 'Z' jnc .CharOk sub al, 32 ; to uppercase 97='a' > 65='A' .CharOk: mov [edi], al inc edx inc edi jmp .LoopCheckNextChar ; .EndOfCheck: mov eax, edx ; returned value = returned string length ; pop edx pop ecx pop edi pop esi end function ; code could be optimized ... using movsb ... ??? ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb