' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QBitmapEx ****** QBitmapEx Component ****** QBitmapEx is a control as a QBitmap with extensions of méthods. QBitmapEx Properties Field Type R/W Default =================================== ====================================== ==================================== ==================================== PenSize Long RW 1 Pen size for draw line,rectangle and RW circle PenStyle Long RW PS_SOLID_BMP Pen style , the others values are: PS_SOLID_BMP=0 PS_DASH_BMP=1 PS_DOT_BMP=2 PS_DASHDOT_BMP=3 PS_DASHDOTDOT_BMP=4 PS_NULL_BMP=5 PS_INSIDEFRAME_BMP=6 QBitmapEx Methods Method Type Description Params ================== ===================================================================================== ==================================== ====== DrawIco SUB(left%,top%,width%,height%,handle%) Draw an icon 3 If the width and height parameters are 0,the icon will show with his dimensions by défault. PasteFromClipboard SUB(x%,y%) Paste the image of clipboard 2 GetWidthClipboard FUNCTION as INTEGER Return the image width of clipboard0 GetHeightClipboard FUNCTION as INTEGER Return the image height of clipboard 0 CanPaste FUNCTON as BOOLEAN Return true if image présent in the 0 clipboard Circle SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,c%) Draw a circle 5 CircleFilled SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,c%,Fill%) Draw a circle filled 6 Rectangle SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,c%) Draw a rectangle 5 RectangleFilled SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,c%,Fill%) Draw a rectangle filled 6 RoundRect SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,x3%,y3%,c%) Draw a round rectangle 7 RoundRectFilled SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,x3%,y3%,c%,Fill%) Draw a round rectangle filled 8 Line SUB(x1%,y1%,x2%,y2%,c%) Draw a line 5 FillSurface SUB(x%,y%,c%) Fill the surface pointed by the 3 color of pixel x,y TextOut SUB(x%,y%,s$,fc%,bc%) Draw text 5 InvertColor SUB(x%,y%,width%,height%) Invert color 4 Mirror SUB(x%,y%,width%,height%) Make a miror x 4 Flip SUB(x%,y%,width%,height%) Make a miror y 4 QBitmapEx Events Event Type Occurs when... Params ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ===================================== QBitmapEx Example ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb