' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QColorDialog ****** QColorDialog Component ****** QColorDialog is a dialogue box used to select a color. WARNING:don't use Caption property with an other component using a WindowProc. QColorDialog Properties Field Type R/W Default ==================== ==================== ===================== ===================== Caption STRING RW Colors Array of LONG RW Define the value of 16 colors perso. Color LONG R Value color selected. Style INTEGER RW cdNormal Style dialog box, can be cdFullOpen or cdNoFullOpen QColorDialog Methods Method Type Description Params ==================== ==================== ===================== ===================== Open the dialog box , Execute FUNCTION return True if color selection QColorDialog Events Event Type Occurs when... Params ==================== ==================== ===================== ===================== QColorDialog Examples ' Color chooser dialog example $INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC" $INCLUDE "QCOLORDIALOG.INC" $TYPECHECK ON DECLARE SUB ButtonClick (Sender AS QBUTTON) dim Dial as QColorDialog Dial.Style=cdNoFullOpen Dial.Caption="Select Color" CREATE Form AS QFORM CREATE Button AS QBUTTON Width = 100 Caption = "Choose color" OnClick = ButtonClick END CREATE Center END CREATE form.ShowModal SUB ButtonClick (Sender AS BUTTON) if Dial.Execute then Form.Color=Dial.Color end if END SUB ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb