' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QDownload ****** QDownload Component ****** Offers an interface to download files from HTTP-Servers, either in the background or apparently, it has a sophisticated error diagnostic interface QDownload Properties Field Type R/W Default Support ================================= ================================== ================================== ================================== ================================== Server STRING RW W Port INTEGER RW 80 W File STRING RW W Outfile STRING RW W Outvar STRING R W Outdevice INTEGER RW 1 W Statedevice INTEGER RW 1 W State INTEGER R W Size INTEGER R W LastError INTEGER R W LastStringError STRING R W StateGauge QGAUGE RW .height=20; .width=200 QDownload Methods Method Type Description Params Support ================================= ================================== ================================== ================================== ================================== Leechfile FUNCTION Performs the Download, needs all 0 W settings to be made Check FUNCTION Checks for an Internet Connection 0 W Percent FUNCTION Calculates the current State in 2 W Percent QDownload Events Event Type Occurs when... Params Support ================================= ================================== ================================== ================================== ================================== None QDownload Examples 'Example for Qdownload usage $TYPECHECK ON 'Use these !!!! $include "rapidq.inc" $include "qdownload.inc" dim download as qdownload ' You should create an instance here declare sub test 'That's all well known create form as qform width = 220 height = 260 caption = "QDownload Example" create button as qbutton top = 10 width = 80 left = (form.clientwidth/2)-button.width/2 Caption = "Download!" onclick = test end create create edit1 as qedit top = 50 text ="Server.com" left = (form.clientwidth/2)-edit1.width/2 end create create edit2 as qedit top = 80 text ="Path/Filename" left = (form.clientwidth/2)-edit2.width/2 end create create edit3 as qedit top = 110 text ="LocalDrive:/Localpath/Filename" left = (form.clientwidth/2)-edit2.width/2 end create create checkbox1 as qcheckbox top = 140 width = 160 left = (form.clientwidth/2)-checkbox1.width/2 caption = "Show Status in Gauge" end create create checkbox2 as qcheckbox top = 170 width = 200 left = (form.clientwidth/2)-checkbox2.width/2 caption = "Save to file (X) or show using word ()" end create end create 'Here you should determine the qgauge's appearance download.stategauge.parent = form download.stategauge.left = (form.clientwidth/2)-download.stategauge.width/2 download.stategauge.top = 200 form.showmodal sub test DIM Object AS QOLEOBJECT 'This one is just for demonstrative issues download.server =edit1.text 'The Server property is to be set, assuming the port is 80 download.file=edit2.text 'The File property is set, i.e. the name of the file to be gotten download.outfile=edit3.text 'The Outfile property is set, i.e. the file the downloaded file 'will be saved in select case checkbox2.checked case True download.outdevice = 2 'The Outdevice property is set, i.e. 1 = qdownload.outvar end select ' 2 = qdownload.outfile select case checkbox1.checked case True download.statedevice=2 'The Statedevice property is set, i.e. 1 = qdownload.state end select ' 2 = qdownload.stategauge if download.leechfile then 'And do it, if all works well leechfile returns True select case checkbox2.checked case False Object.CreateObject("word.basic") Object.AppShow Object.FileNew Object.Insert(download.outvar) Object.Free end select else showmessage (download.laststringerror) 'and if not False, then qdownload.lasterror, .laststringerror are end if 'interesting end sub ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb