' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QDrawFocus ****** QDrawFocus Component ****** QDrawFocus is a focus to use as selection in graphic components. QDrawFocus Properties Field Type R/W Défault ================== ==================== ================== ================== ================== Left SHORT R Position x of focus when it is visible Top SHORT R Position y of focus when it is visible Width SHORT R Width of focus when it is visible Height SHORT R Height of focus when it is visible Move BOOLEAN R FALSE At true if focus has moved. Visible BOOLEAN RW FALSE At true if focus is visible Inside BOOLEAN R FALSE At true if cursor is inside the focus NoResize BOOLEAN RW FALSE No resize when the value is true ShowCursor BOOLEAN RW TRUE Change the cursor state following the actions on focus QDrawFocus Methods Method Type Description Params =============== ============================= ================ ================ ================ Remove SUB(handle&) Remove the focus 1 Start SUB(handle&,x%,y%) Start the 3 drawing of focus Draw SUB Draw the focus 4 (handle&,x%,y%,flagDraw%) Stop SUB(handle&,flagRemove%) Stop the drawing 2 of focus QDrawFocus Events Event Type Occurs when... Params ================== ================== ================== =================== =================== QDrawFocus Examples '============================================================================================== ' the Start method gives the starting point of focus ' the Draw method draws the focus , moves it or the resize if this one is already visible and if flagDraw is at true, ' if flagDraw is at false only the state of the cursor changes ' the Stop method gives the cursor at its state of origin after action on the focus and removes the focus if the flagRemove is at true. '=============================================================================================== $TYPECHECK ON $Include "Rapidq.inc" $include "Object\QDrawFocus.inc" declare sub StartFocus(button as short,x as short,y as short) declare sub StopFocus(x as short,y as short) declare sub DrawFocus(x as short,y as short) declare sub paint declare sub resize dim focus as QDrawFocus dim flag as byte CREATE Form AS QFORM Caption = "Form1" Width = 686 Height = 452 Center OnResize=resize CREATE Canvas1 AS QCANVAS Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 678 Height = 425 OnPaint=paint OnMouseDown=StartFocus OnMouseUp=StopFocus OnMouseMove=DrawFocus END CREATE END CREATE Form.ShowModal Sub StartFocus(button as short,x as short,y as short) focus.start(Canvas1.handle,x,y) flag=true End Sub Sub DrawFocus(x as short,y as short) focus.draw(Canvas1.handle,x,y,flag) End Sub Sub StopFocus(x as short,y as short) focus.stop(Canvas1.handle,false) flag=false End Sub Sub paint if focus.visible then focus.visible=false Canvas1.fillrect(0,0,1000,1000,&HFFFFFF) focus.start(Canvas1.handle,focus.left,focus.top) focus.draw(Canvas1.handle,focus.left+focus.width,focus.top+focus.height,true) else Canvas1.fillrect(0,0,1000,1000,&HFFFFFF) end if end sub sub resize canvas1.repaint end sub ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb