' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QDrive ****** QDrive Component ****** QDrive is a component no visible of infos drivers. QDrive Properties Field Type R/W Default ============================ ============================ ============================= ============================= Name ARRAY OF STRING R Name of présent drivers Count INTEGER R Number of présent drivers QDrive Methods Method Type Description Params =============== ================ =================================================================== ================ FUNCTION GetType (index&) as return the type of driver. 1 long Possible values:DRIVE_REMOVABLE (2) DRIVE_FIXED(3) DRIVE_REMOTE(4) DRIVE_CDROM(5) DRIVE_RAMDISK(6) FUNCTION GetFreeSpace (index&) as return free space in octet of driver 1 long FUNCTION GetSize (index&) as return the size in octet from driver 1 long QDrive Events Event Type Occurs when... Params ============================ ============================ ============================= ============================= QDrive Examples $INCLUDE "Object\QDrive.inc" dim drive as QDrive declare sub show CREATE Form AS QFORM Caption = "Proprietés disque dur" Width = 320 Height = 240 Center OnShow=show CREATE Label1 AS QLABEL Caption = "" Left = 22 Top = 22 END CREATE END CREATE Form.ShowModal sub show dim i as integer dim number as integer For i=1 to drive.Count if drive.GetType(i)=DRIVE_FIXED then number=i next i label1.caption="Nom lecteur: "+drive.name(number)+chr$(13)+ _ "Capacité: "+str$(drive.GetSize(number))+" octets"+chr$(13)+ _ "Espace libre: "+str$(drive.GetFreeSpace(number))+" octets" end sub ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb