' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QPageSetup ****** QPageSetup Component ****** QPageSetup is a printer dialog box. WARNING:don't use Caption property with an other component using a WindowProc. QPageSetup Properties Field Type R/W Défault ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== ====================== DisablePrinter BOOLEAN R/W False Printer configuration. DisablePaper BOOLEAN R/W False Choice of paper. DisableOrient BOOLEAN R/W False Selection paper orientation. DisableMargins BOOLEAN R/W False Margins paper Orinetation BOOLEAN R FALSE Orientation paper ,true value is landscape?false is portrait MarginLeft LONG R/W 0 Margin left in mm MarginTop LONG R/W 0 Margin top in mm MarginRight LONG R/W 0 Margin right in mm MarginBottom LONG R/W 0 Margin bottom in mm PageWidth LONG R Page width in mm PageHeight LONG R Page height in mm Caption STRING RW Title dialog box QPageSetup Methods Method Type Description Params ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== ====================== Execute SUB Show printer dialog box QPageSetup Events Event Type Occurs when... Params ===================== ===================== ===================== ===================== ====================== QPageSetup Examples $TYPECHECK ON $Include "Rapidq.inc" $include "Object\QPageSetup.inc" Declare Sub PageDlg Dim Setup as QPageSetup CREATE Form AS QFORM Caption = "Mise en page" Width = 300 Height =200 Center CREATE Label1 AS QLABEL Caption = "" Left=12 Top=14 Width=200 Height=100 END CREATE CREATE Button1 AS QBUTTON Caption="Setup" Left=100 Top=120 OnClick=PageDlg END CREATE END CREATE Setup.MarginLeft=25 Setup.MarginTop=25 Setup.MarginRight=25 Setup.MarginBottom=25 Setup.Caption="Mise en page" Form.ShowModal Sub PageDlg If Setup.Execute then label1.caption="MarginLeft:"+str$(setup.marginLeft)+chr$(13)+ _ "MarginTop:"+str$(setup.marginTop)+chr$(13)+ _ "MarginRight:"+str$(setup.marginRight)+chr$(13)+ _ "MarginBottom:"+str$(setup.marginBottom)+chr$(13)+ _ "PageWidth:"+str$(setup.pageWidth)+chr$(13)+ _ "PageHeight:"+str$(setup.pageHeight)+chr$(13)+ _ "Orinetation:"+str$(setup.orientation) end if End Sub ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb