' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' QTextEdit ****** QTextEdit Component ****** QTextEdit is an extension of QRichEdit component with more functions. QTextEdit Properties Field Type R/W Default ===================== ===================== ===================== ====================== UsePopup BOOLEAN RW True To use a popup menu with the right mouse button. UndoCaption STRING RW Undo Label of item Undo of popup menu. CutCaption STRING RW Cut Label of item Cut of popup menu. CopyCaption STRING RW Copy Label of item Copy of popup menu. PasteCaption STRING RW Paste Label of item Paste of popup menu. SelectAllCaption STRING RW SelectAll Label of item SelectAll of popup menu. QTextEdit Methods Method Type Description Params ===================== ===================== ===================== ====================== Undo SUB Undo command. Cut SUB Cut command Copy SUB Copy to clipboard. Paste SUB Paste from clipboard. Limit SUB(Value%) Limit the size text 1 (number of char) Replace the selection ReplaceSell SUB(Text$) by the Text$ 1 parameter. Search the string FUNCTION into the text,start Find (start%,text$,case%) is the start 3 AS BOOLEAN of search,case is to respect the format of char (upper,lower) LinesScroll SUB(Number) Place the cursor to 1 the line number CanUndo FUNCTION AS BOOLEAN Return if undo is possible QTextEdit Events Event Type Occurs when... Params ===================== ===================== ===================== ====================== QTextEdit Examples $OPTION ICON "edit.ico" $TYPECHECK ON $INCLUDE "Rapidq.inc" $INCLUDE "Object/QTextEdit.inc" $INCLUDE "Object/QColorDialog.inc" $INCLUDE "Object/QFormEx.inc" declare sub menuEdit declare sub menuAnnul declare sub menuCouper declare sub menuCopier declare sub menuColler declare sub menuSelection declare sub menuNouveau declare sub menuOuvrir declare sub menuSauver declare sub menuSauverSous declare sub menuQuitter declare sub menuRecherche declare sub menuPoursuivre declare sub menuRemplacer declare sub ShowLC declare sub ChangePolice declare sub ChangeFond declare sub ChangeTextRecherche declare sub ChangeTextRemplacer declare sub AnnulerRecherche declare sub AnnulerRemplacer declare sub PoursuivreRecherche declare sub PoursuivreRemplacer declare sub Remplacer declare sub RemplacerTout declare sub Show dim FontDialog as QFONTDIALOG dim cd as QcolorDialog cd.caption="Couleur de fond" dim FileName as string FileName="Sans Titre" dim start as long CREATE Form AS QFORMEX Caption=Application.title+" - "+FileName Width=715 Height=508 Center OnClose=MenuQuitter OnShow=Show CREATE Menu as QMAINMENU CREATE Fichier as QMENUITEM Caption="&Fichier" CREATE Nouveau as QMENUITEM Caption="&Nouveau" OnClick=MenuNouveau END CREATE CREATE Ouvrir as QMENUITEM Caption="&Ouvrir" OnClick=MenuOuvrir END CREATE CREATE Sauver as QMENUITEM Caption="&Sauver" OnClick=MenuSauver END CREATE CREATE SauverSous as QMENUITEM Caption="&Sauver Sous..." OnClick=MenuSauverSous END CREATE CREATE Sep3 as QMENUITEM Caption="-" END CREATE CREATE Quitter as QMENUITEM Caption="&Quitter" OnClick=MenuQuitter END CREATE END CREATE CREATE Edition as QMENUITEM Caption="&Edition" OnClick=menuEdit CREATE Annul as QMENUITEM Caption="&Annuler" Enabled=false ShortCut="CTRL+Z" OnClick=MenuAnnul END CREATE CREATE Sep1 as QMENUITEM Caption="-" END CREATE CREATE Couper as QMENUITEM Caption="&Couper" Enabled=false ShortCut="CTRL+X" OnClick=MenuCouper END CREATE CREATE Copier as QMENUITEM Caption="&Copier" Enabled=false ShortCut="CTRL+C" OnClick=MenuCopier END CREATE CREATE Coller as QMENUITEM Caption="&Coller" Enabled=false ShortCut="CTRL+V" OnClick=MenuColler END CREATE CREATE Sep2 as QMENUITEM Caption="-" END CREATE CREATE Selection as QMENUITEM Caption="&Selectionner tout" Enabled=false ShortCut="CTRL+A" OnClick=MenuSelection END CREATE END CREATE CREATE Recherche as QMENUITEM Caption="&Recherche" CREATE Rechercher as QMENUITEM Caption="&Rechercher" OnClick=MenuRecherche END CREATE CREATE Poursuivre as QMENUITEM Caption="&Poursuivre la recherche" OnClick=MenuPoursuivre END CREATE CREATE Remplace as QMENUITEM Caption="&Remplacer" OnClick=MenuRemplacer END CREATE END CREATE CREATE Format as QMENUITEM Caption="&Format" CREATE Police as QMENUITEM Caption="&Police" OnClick=ChangePolice END CREATE CREATE CouleurFond as QMENUITEM Caption="&Couleur fond" OnClick=ChangeFond END CREATE END CREATE END CREATE CREATE infos AS QSTATUSBAR AddPanels "Li:","Col:","Taille:" Panel(0).width=80 Panel(1).width=80 END CREATE CREATE Edit AS QTEXTEDIT Align=5 PlainText=1 ScrollBars=3 WordWrap=false UndoCaption="&Annuler" CutCaption="&Couper" CopyCaption="&Copier" PasteCaption="&Coller" SelectAllCaption="&Selectionner tout" OnMouseDown=ShowLC OnKeyUp=ShowLC END CREATE END CREATE CREATE Form2 AS QFORM Caption="Rechercher" Width=326 Height=119 borderStyle=bsDialog Center CREATE LabRech AS QLABEL Caption="Rechercher:" Left=8 Top=12 Width=64 Height=21 END CREATE CREATE EditRech AS QEDIT Left=74 Top=9 Width=145 ShowHint=1 Hint="Mot recherché" OnChange=ChangeTextRecherche TabOrder=1 END CREATE CREATE BtRech1 AS QBUTTON Caption="Poursuivre" Left=229 Top=9 Width=80 TabOrder=2 Enabled=false OnClick=PoursuivreRecherche END CREATE CREATE BtRech2 AS QBUTTON Caption="Annuler" Left=229 Top=41 Width=80 TabOrder=3 OnClick=AnnulerRecherche END CREATE CREATE CheckRech AS QCHECKBOX Caption="Respecter la casse" Left=8 Top=57 Width=113 ShowHint=1 Hint="Respect majuscule et minuscule si coché" TabOrder=4 END CREATE END CREATE CREATE Form3 AS QFORM Caption="Remplacer" Width=362 Height=177 borderStyle=bsDialog Center CREATE Lab1Repl AS QLABEL Caption="Rechercher:" Left=8 Top=11 Width=64 END CREATE CREATE Lab2Repl AS QLABEL Caption="Remplacer par:" Left=8 Top=43 Width=75 END CREATE CREATE Edit1Repl AS QEDIT Left=82 Top=8 Width=145 TabOrder=1 OnChange=ChangeTextRemplacer END CREATE CREATE Edit2Repl AS QEDIT Left=82 Top=40 Width=145 TabOrder=2 END CREATE CREATE Bt1Repl AS QBUTTON Caption="Poursuivre" Left=237 Top=8 Width=107 TabOrder=3 Enabled=false OnClick=PoursuivreRemplacer END CREATE CREATE Bt2Repl AS QBUTTON Caption="Remplacer" Left=237 Top=40 Width=107 TabOrder=4 Enabled=false OnClick=Remplacer END CREATE CREATE Bt3Repl AS QBUTTON Caption="Remplacer tout" Left=237 Top=72 Width=107 TabOrder=5 Enabled=false OnClick=RemplacerTout END CREATE CREATE Bt4Repl AS QBUTTON Caption="Annuler" Left=237 Top=104 Width=107 TabOrder=6 OnClick=AnnulerRemplacer END CREATE CREATE CheckRepl AS QCHECKBOX Caption="Respecter la casse" Left=8 Top=114 Width=121 TabOrder=7 END CREATE END CREATE form.DeskBar=true Form.ShowModal sub Show dim font as Qfont edit.limit(100000) font.Name="Courier New" font.size=10 edit.font=font FontDialog.GetFont(font) end sub sub menuEdit Annul.Enabled=Edit.CanUndo if LEN(ClipBoard.Text)>0 then Coller.Enabled=true else Coller.Enabled=false end if if len(edit.text)>0 then selection.enabled=true else selection.enabled=false end if if len(edit.seltext)>0 then couper.enabled=true copier.enabled=true else couper.enabled=false copier.enabled=false end if end sub sub menuAnnul edit.undo ShowLC end sub sub menuCouper edit.cut ShowLC end sub sub menuCopier edit.copy end sub sub menuColler edit.paste ShowLC end sub sub menuSelection edit.selectAll end sub sub ShowLC infos.panel(0).caption="Li:"+str$(edit.wherey+1) infos.panel(1).caption="Col:"+str$(edit.wherex+1) infos.panel(2).caption="Taille:"+str$(len(edit.text)) end sub sub ChangePolice dim font as qfont if FontDialog.execute then FontDialog.SetFont(font) edit.font=font end if end sub sub changeFond if cd.execute then edit.color=cd.color end if end sub sub menuNouveau Dim msgButton as integer if edit.modified then msgButton=MessageBox("Sauver fichier?",application.title,35) if msgButton<>mrCancel then if msgButton=mrYes then menuSauver end if edit.Modified=false edit.clear filename="Sans Titre" form.caption=application.title+" - "+filename end if else edit.clear filename="Sans Titre" form.caption=application.title+" - "+filename end if ShowLC end sub sub menuOuvrir Dim OpenDialog as QOpenDialog Dim msgButton as integer OpenDialog.Filter="Fichier texte|*.txt|" OpenDialog.Caption= "Ouvrir fichier" if edit.modified then msgButton=MessageBox("Sauver fichier?",application.title,35) if msgButton<>mrCancel then if msgButton=mrYes then menuSauver end if OpenDialog.InitialDir=CurDir$ if openDialog.execute then FileName=OpenDialog.fileName screen.cursor=crHourGlass edit.loadfromfile(filename) screen.cursor=crDefault edit.modified=false form.caption=application.title+" - "+right$(FileName,Len(FileName)-RINSTR (FileName,"\")) end if end if else OpenDialog.InitialDir=CurDir$ if openDialog.execute then FileName=OpenDialog.fileName screen.cursor=crHourGlass edit.loadfromfile(filename) screen.cursor=crDefault edit.modified=false form.caption=application.title+" - "+right$(FileName,Len(FileName)-RINSTR (FileName,"\")) end if end if ShowLC end sub sub menuSauver if FileName="Sans Titre" then menuSauverSous else screen.cursor=crHourGlass edit.SaveToFile(filename) screen.cursor=crDefault end if end sub sub menuSauverSous Dim SaveDialog as QSaveDialog SaveDialog.Filter="Fichier texte|*.txt|" SaveDialog.Caption= "Sauver fichier" SaveDialog.InitialDir=CurDir$ if saveDialog.execute then FileName=SaveDialog.FileName if instr(LCASE$(FileName),".txt")=0 then FileName=FileName+".txt" end if form.caption=application.title+" - "+right$(FileName,Len(FileName)-RINSTR (FileName,"\")) screen.cursor=crHourGlass edit.SaveToFile(filename) screen.cursor=crDefault end if end sub sub menuQuitter Dim msgButton as integer if edit.modified then msgButton=MessageBox("Sauver fichier?",application.title,35) if msgButton<>mrCancel then if msgButton=mrYes then menuSauver end if edit.clear application.terminate end if else edit.clear application.terminate end if end sub sub ChangeTextRecherche if len(editRech.text)>0 then BtRech1.enabled=true else BtRech1.enabled=false end if end sub sub menuRecherche form2.show end sub sub menuRemplacer form3.show end sub sub AnnulerRecherche form2.close end sub sub PoursuivreRecherche dim flag as integer flag=checkRech.checked if edit.seltext="" then start=edit.selstart if edit.find(start,editRech.text,flag)>0 then form.show start=edit.find(start,editRech.text,flag) start=start+len(editRech.text) else messageDlg("Impossible de trouver "+chr$(34)+editRech.text+chr$ (34),mtInformation,mbOk,0) end if end sub sub MenuPoursuivre dim flag as integer flag=checkRech.checked if edit.seltext="" then start=edit.selstart if edit.find(start,editRech.text,flag)>0 then start=edit.find(start,editRech.text,flag) start=start+len(editRech.text) else messageDlg("Impossible de trouver "+chr$(34)+editRech.text+chr$ (34),mtInformation,mbOk,0) end if end sub sub ChangeTextRemplacer if len(edit1Repl.text)>0 then Bt1Repl.enabled=true Bt2Repl.enabled=true Bt3Repl.enabled=true else Bt1Repl.enabled=false Bt2Repl.enabled=false Bt3Repl.enabled=false end if end sub sub AnnulerRemplacer form3.close end sub sub PoursuivreRemplacer dim flag as integer flag=checkRepl.checked if edit.seltext="" then start=edit.selstart if edit.find(start,edit1Repl.text,flag)>0 then form.show start=edit.find(start,edit1Repl.text,flag) start=start+len(edit1Repl.text) else messageDlg("Impossible de trouver "+chr$(34)+edit1Repl.text+chr$ (34),mtInformation,mbOk,0) end if end sub sub Remplacer if edit.sellength>0 then edit.seltext=edit2repl.text end if PoursuivreRemplacer end sub sub RemplacerTout dim flag as integer form3.close flag=checkRepl.checked if edit.seltext="" then start=edit.selstart while edit.find(start,edit1Repl.text,flag)>0 start=edit.find(start,edit1Repl.text,flag) start=start+len(edit1Repl.text) edit.seltext=edit2repl.text wend end sub ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb