' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' Qrichedit ****** QRICHEDIT Component ****** QRichedit implements a fully featured multi-line text edit control. QRichedit Properties Field Type R/W Default Support =============== =============== =============== =============== =============== Align INTEGER RW alNone W Align determines how the control aligns within its parent control. Alignment INTEGER RW taLeftJustify W Alignment determines how the text is aligned within the edit control. BorderStyle INTEGER RW bsSingle W Color INTEGER RW W Enabled INTEGER RW True WXG Font QFONT W WX Handle INTEGER R W Height INTEGER RW WXG HideScrollBars INTEGER RW True WG HideSelection INTEGER RW True W Hint STRING RW WG Left INTEGER RW 0 WXG Line ARRAY of STRING RW WXG LineCount INTEGER RW WXG Modified INTEGER R WG Parent QFORM/QPANEL/ W WXG QTABCONTROL PopupMenu QPOPUPMENU W W Plaintext INTEGER RW False W Readonly INTEGER RW False WXG ScrollBars INTEGER RW ssNone WXG SelAttributes QFONT W W SelLength INTEGER RW WXG SelLength is the number of characters that are selected. SelStart INTEGER RW WXG SelStart is the position of the first selected character in the text. If there is no selected text, SelStart indicates the position of the cursor. SelText STRING RW WXG SelText is the selected portion of the edit control's text. ShowHint INTEGER RW False WG TabOrder INTEGER RW W Tag INTEGER RW WXG Text STRING RW WXG Top INTEGER RW 0 WXG WantTabs INTEGER RW False W WantTabs determines whether the user can insert tab characters into the text. Width INTEGER RW WXG WhereX INTEGER R WXG WhereY INTEGER R WXG Wordwrap INTEGER RW True W Visible INTEGER RW True WXG QRichedit Methods Method Type Description Params Support ================== ============== ============== ============== =============== AddStrings SUBI Add strings STRING, WXG Infinite Clear SUB Clear entire 0 WXG text Copy selected CopyToClipboard SUB text to 0 W clipboard Cut selected CutToClipboard SUB text to 0 W clipboard LoadFromFile SUB Load text from 1 WXG (FileName$) a file SUB (Stream AS Load text from LoadFromStream QFILESTREAM/ a stream 1 WX QMEMORYSTREAM) PasteFromClipboard SUB Paste text 0 W from clipboard SaveToFile SUB Save text to a 1 WXG (FileName$) file SUB (Stream AS Save text to a SaveToStream QFILESTREAM/ stream 1 W QMEMORYSTREAM) Selects all SelectAll SUB text from 0 WXG Richedit QRichedit Events Event Type Occurs when... Params Support =============== =============== =============== =============== =============== OnChange VOID Text changes 0 WG SUB (Key AS OnKeyDown WORD, Shift AS Key held down 2 WG INTEGER) OnKeyPress SUB (Key AS User presses a 1 WG BYTE) key SUB (Key AS OnKeyUp WORD, Shift AS Key released 2 WG INTEGER) OnMouseDown SUB (Button%, Mouse button 4 WX X%, Y%, Shift%) held down OnMouseMove SUB (X%, Y%, Mouse moves 2 WX Shift%) OnMouseUp SUB (Button%, Mouse button is 4 WX X%, Y%, Shift%) released QRichedit Examples $INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC" DIM Form AS QForm DIM RichEdit AS QRichEdit RichEdit.Parent = Form RichEdit.Scrollbars = ssBoth RichEdit.AddString "Hello world!" Form.ShowModal ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb