' Rapid-Q by William Yu (c)1999-2000 . ' ================================================================================ ' Upload_il_tuo_script_su_Rapidq.it ' Qscrollbar ****** QSCROLLBAR Component ****** QScrollBar is a Windows scroll bar, used to scroll contents of a window, form, or control. It can also act as a simple trackbar. QScrollBar Properties Field Type R/W Default Support =============== =============== =============== =============== =============== Align INTEGER RW alNone W Align determines how the control aligns within its parent control. Cursor INTEGER RW crDefault W Enabled INTEGER RW True WX Handle INTEGER R W Height INTEGER RW WX Hint STRING RW WX Kind INTEGER RW sbHorizontal WX Kind specifies whether the scrollbar is horizontal or vertical. 0 = sbHorizontal -- Scrollbar is horizontal. 1 = sbVertical -- Scrollbar is vertical. LargeChange INTEGER RW 1 WX LargeChange determines how much Position changes when the user clicks on the scrollbar on either side of the thumb or pressed PageUp or PageDown. Left INTEGER RW 0 WX Max INTEGER RW 100 WX Min INTEGER RW 0 WX PageSize INTEGER RW 1 W PageSize specifies the distance along the trackbar. Parent QFORM/QPANEL/ W WX QTABCONTROL PopupMenu QPOPUPMENU W W Position INTEGER RW 0 WX ShowHint INTEGER RW False WX SmallChange INTEGER RW 1 WX SmallChange determines how much Position changes when the user clicks the arrow buttons on the scrollbar or presses the arrow keys. TabOrder INTEGER RW W Tag INTEGER RW WXG Top INTEGER RW 0 WX Width INTEGER RW WX Visible INTEGER RW True WX QScrollBar Events Event Type Occurs when... Params Support =============== =============== =============== =============== =============== OnChange VOID Scroll position 0 WX changes SUB (Key AS OnKeyDown Word, Shift AS Key held down 2 W INTEGER) OnKeyPress SUB (Key AS User presses a 1 W BYTE) key SUB (Key AS User releases a OnKeyUp Word, Shift AS key 2 W INTEGER) SUB (ScrollCode OnScroll AS BYTE, Scrolling 2 W ScrollPos AS LONG) QScrollBar Examples ' Color Palette for Rapid-Q by William Yu DECLARE SUB ColorChange DECLARE SUB Paint CONST False = 0 CONST True = NOT False '' Here's something that will convert your standard RGB to Rapid-Q's BGR. '' And quite useless because an RGB function is already implemented! FUNCTION ConvertRGB(R AS INTEGER, G AS INTEGER, B AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER ConvertRGB = (B SHL 16) OR (G SHL 8) OR R END FUNCTION CREATE Form AS QForm CREATE LabelRed AS QLabel Left = 10 Top = 22 Caption = "Red:" END CREATE CREATE LabelGreen AS QLabel Left = 5 Top = 52 Caption = "Green:" END CREATE CREATE LabelBlue AS QLabel Left = 10 Top = 82 Caption = "Blue:" END CREATE CREATE LabelNum1 AS QLabel Left = 270 Top = 22 Caption = "0" END CREATE CREATE LabelNum2 AS QLabel Left = 270 Top = 52 Caption = "0" END CREATE CREATE LabelNum3 AS QLabel Left = 270 Top = 82 Caption = "0" END CREATE CREATE ScrollRed AS QScrollBar Left = 50 Top = 20 Width = 200 Height = 20 Min = 0: Max = 255 ShowHint = True Hint = "Red Attribute" OnChange = ColorChange END CREATE CREATE ScrollGreen AS QScrollBar Left = 50 Top = 50 Width = 200 Height = 20 Min = 0: Max = 255 ShowHint = True Hint = "Green Attribute" OnChange = ColorChange END CREATE CREATE ScrollBlue AS QScrollBar Left = 50 Top = 80 Width = 200 Height = 20 Min = 0: Max = 255 ShowHint = True Hint = "Blue Attribute" OnChange = ColorChange END CREATE CREATE PaintBox AS QCanvas Left = 50 Top = 110 Height = 90 Width = 200 OnPaint = Paint END CREATE Caption = "Color Palette" Center ShowModal END CREATE SUB ColorChange LabelNum1.Caption = STR$(ScrollRed.Position) LabelNum2.Caption = STR$(ScrollGreen.Position) LabelNum3.Caption = STR$(ScrollBlue.Position) Paint END SUB SUB Paint PaintBox.Paint(0,0,ConvertRGB(ScrollRed.Position, ScrollGreen.Position, ScrollBlue.Position),&HFFFFFF) END SUB ' =============================================================================== ' 2003 Holyguard.net - 2007_Abruzzoweb