$apptype $define $else $endif $escapechars $ifdef $ifndef $include $macro $optimize $option $resource $typecheck $undef abs acos application asc asin atan atn bin$ bind byref byte byval call callback callfunc ceil chdir chdrive chr$ cint clipboard clng cls codeptr color command$ commandcount console.inputhandle console.outputhandle const constructor convbase$ cos create csrlin curdir$ data date$ dec defbyte defdbl defdword defint deflng defshort defsng defstr defword delete$ dim dir$ direxists do doevents double dword else elseif environ environ$ event execute exp extractresource field$ fileexists fix floor for format$ frac function functioni get$ gosub goto hex$ if iif inc initarray inkey$ inp input input$ inpw insert$ instr int integer isconsole kill killmessage lbound lcase$ left$ len lflush lib libraryinst locate log long loop lprint ltrim$ memcmp memcpy memset messagebox messagedlg mid$ mkdir mousex mousey next out outw paramstr$ paramstrcount paramval paramvalcount pcopy peek playwav poke pos postmessage print printer property qbitmap qbutton qcanvas qcheckbox qcombobox qcomport qcoolbtn qd3dface qd3dframe qd3dlight qd3dmesh qd3dmeshbuilder qd3dtexture qd3dvector qd3dvisual qd3dwrap qdirtree qdximagelist qdxscreen qdxsound qdxtimer qedit qfilelistbox qfilestream qfont qfontdialog qform qgauge qglassframe qgroupbox qheader qimage qimagelist qlabel qlistbox qlistview qmainmenu qmemorystream qmenuitem qmysql qnotifyicondata qobject qolecontainer qoleobject qopendialog qoutline qovalbtn qpanel qpopupmenu qradiobutton qrect qregistry qrichedit qsavedialog qscrollbar qscrollbox qsocket qsplitter qstatusbar qstringgrid qstringlist qtabcontrol qtimer qtrackbar qtreeview quicksort randomize read redim rem rename replace$ replacesubstr$ resource resourcecount restore return reverse$ rgb right$ rinstr rmdir rnd round rtrim$ run screen screen.consolex screen.consoley screen.cursor screen.cursors screen.height screen.mousex screen.mousey screen.width select sendmessage setconsoletitle sgn shell short showmessage sin single sizeof sleep sound space$ sqr stack.int stack.str$ static step str$ strf$ string string$ struct sub subi swap tally tan then time$ timer type ubound ucase$ unloadlibrary val variant varptr varptr$ vartype wend while with word alias and as case declare end exit extends inv is mod not or result shl shr to until xor aborted align alignment allowallup allowinplace angle autopopup autoscroll autoshow autosize backcolor baudrate beveled bevelinner bevelouter bevelwidth bkcolor blendcolor bmp bmpclosed bmphandle bmphandleclosed bmphandleleaf bmphandleminus bmphandleopen bmphandleplus bmpleaf bmpminus bmpopen bmpplus borderstyle buttonstyle cancel capabilities.collate capabilities.copies capabilities.orientation caption cell center charcase charset checkboxes checked clientheight clientwidth col colcount colorhighlight colorshadow column columnclick columnlist columns columnscount columnstyle colwidths command connected copies copymode count currentkey currentpath cursor databits db dbcount default defaultcolwidth defaultrowheight directory down drawingstyle drive dropdowncount duplicates editormode edittext empty enabled eof exename extendedselect family fastload field.decimals field.flags field.length field.maxlength field.name field.table field.type fieldcount filename filter filterindex fixedcolor fixedcols fixedrows flat flatbuttons flatseperators focusbuttons font fontcount fontname fonts fontscount forecolor format formatcount formstyle frequency getbmp getdatasize getdatatype getico gridheight gridlines gridlinewidth gridwidth groupindex handle hassubkeys height helpfile hidescrollbars hideselection hint hintcolor hinthidepause hintpause hintshortpause horzincrement horzmargin horzposition horzrange horztracking horzvisible hottrack icohandle icon images imagetype incrementaldisplay indent initialdir inputmask inque interval ismasked item itemcount itemheight itemindex itemseparator keyitemcount keypreview kind labelstyle largechange largeimages layout left leftcol length line linecount linesize lowercolor lparam mask masked max maxfontsize maxlength menuindex min minfontsize minsize modalresult modified monochrome moveable multiline multiselect mysocket name numbmps orientation outlinestyle outque pageheight pagenumber pagesize pagewidth panel parent parity passwordchar pendingio pitch pixel pixelformat plaintext pointer popupmenu port position printerindex printers printerscount printing protocol radioitem readbufsize readonly readonstart rootkey row rowcount rowheights rowselect scrollbars scrollopposite sections sectionscount selattributes selcount selected selend sellength selstart seltext separator shortcut showbuttons showcolumnheaders showhint showicons showlines showroot showtext simplepanel simpletext size sizegrip sizemode smallchange smallimages sorted sorttype spacing state stateimages stopbits stretch style subitem tab tabheight tabinactivecolor tabinactivefont tabindex table tablecount taborder tabposition tabstops tabwidth tag text tickmarks tickstyle title top topindex toprow transferred transparency transparent transparentcolor transparentmode uppercolor valueitemcount verticaltabs vertincrement vertmargin vertposition vertrange verttracking vertvisible viewstyle visible visiblecolcount visiblerowcount wanttabs wherex wherey width windowhandle windowstate wmessage wordwrap writebufsize abort abortallio accept addbmpfile addbmphandle addbordericons addchild addchilditems addcolumns adddirtypes adddrivetypes addfiletypes addicofile addicohandle additems addlines addlist addoptions addpanels addsections addstrings addstyles addsubitem addtabs begindoc build circle clear clearcolumns close closekey collapse connect connectionready container copyfrom copyrect copytoclipboard createdb createkey createobject createremote cuttoclipboard delbordericons deldirtypes delete deletecol deletekey deleterow deletevalue delfiletypes delindex delitems dellines deloptions delstyles delsubitem deltabs draw dropdb enddoc escapestring exchange expand extractres fetchfield fetchlengths fetchrow fieldseek fillrect free fullcollapse fullexpand getashandle getastext getfont gethostip gethostname getidofname getitemat getobject getpeername hasformat helpcommand helpcontext helpjump hidetitlebar indexof insert insertbmpfile insertbmphandle insertcol inserticofile inserticohandle insertitem insertrow insertsubitem inserttab invoke invokecopy isclientready isserverready keyexists keyitem loadarray loadfromfile loadfromstream memcopyfrom memcopyto minimize movekey newpage open openkey paint parse pastefromclipboard popup pset purgein purgeout query readbinary readbinstr readbyte readfloat readinteger readline readnum readstr readstring readudt realconnect rectangle refresh registryconnect reload renamevalue repaint rotate roundrect rowblob rowseek savearray savetofile savetostream seek selectall selectdb setashandle setastext setfont settick shapeform show showmodal showtitlebar sort startdrag stretchdraw swapcols swapitem swaprows terminate textheight textout textrect textwidth update valueexists valueitem waitforlastio write writebinary writebinstr writebyte writefloat writeinteger writeline writenum writestr writestring writeudt onapply onbreak onchange onchanging onclick onclose oncollapse oncollapsing oncolumnclick oncomerror ondblclick ondeletion ondrawcell ondrawitem ondrawsection onedited onediting onellipsisclick onenter onexpand onexpanding ongetimageindex ongetselectedindex onhint onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onlistdropdown onmeasureitem onmousedown onmousemove onmouseup onmoved onobjectmove onopen onpaint onpopup onresize onring onrxchar onscroll onsectionclick onsectionresize onsectiontrack onselectcell onsetedittext onshow ontimer ontxempty wndproc false true alnone altop albottom alleft alright alclient taleftjustify tarightjustify tacenter snd_sync snd_async snd_loop snd_nodefault snd_nostop snd_memory clblack clwhite clblue clgreen clred clpurple clyellow clscrollbar clbackground clactivecaption clinactivecaption clmenu clwindow clwindowframe clmenutext clwindowtext clcaptiontext clactiveborder clinactiveborder clappworkspace clhilight clhilighttext clbtnface clbtnshadow clgraytext clbtntext clinactivecaptiontext clbtnhighlight cl3ddkshadow cl3dlight clinfotext clinfobk3ddkshadow clnone cldefault ssshift ssctrl ssalt mtwarning mterror mtinformation mtconfirmation mtcustom mbyes mbno mbok mbcancel mbhelp mbabort mbretry mbignore mball fsbold fsitalic fsunderline fsstrikeout fpdefault fpvariable fpfixed ansi_charset default_charset symbol_charset mac_charset shiftjis_charset hangeul_charset johab_charset gb2312_charset chinesebig5_charset greek_charset turkish_charset vietnamese_charset hebrew_charset arabic_charset baltic_charset russian_charset thai_charset easteurope_charset oem_charset wsnormal wsminimized wsmaximized fsnormal fsmdichild fsmdiform fsstayontop bsnone bssingle bssizeable bsdialog bstoolwindow bssizetoolwin ctrldown altdown shiftdown bisystemmenu biminimize bimaximize bihelp canone cahide cafree caclose caminimize tltop tlcenter tlbottom lsnone lsraised lsrecessed bvnone bvlowered bvraised bpnone bpsingle ecnormal ecuppercase eclowercase csdropdown cssimple csdropdownlist csownerdrawfixed csownerdrawvariable fmcreate fmopenread fmopenwrite fmopenreadwrite sofrombeginning sofromcurrent sofromend num_byte num_short num_word num_long num_dword num_single num_double ssnone sshorizontal ssvertical ssboth mrnone mrok mrcancel mrabort mrretry mrignore mryes mrno mrall mrnotoall mryestoall blbmpleft blbmpright blbmptop blbmpbottom bkcustom bkok bkcancel bkhelp bkyes bkno bkclose bkabort bkretry bkignore bkall crdefault crnone crarrow crcross cribeam crsize crsizenesw crsizens crsizenwse crsizewe cruparrow crhourglass crdrag crnodrop crhsplit crvsplit crmultidrag crsqlwait crno crappstart crhelp crhandpoint ftreadonly fthidden ftsystem ftvolumeid ftdirectory ftarchive ftnormal sbhorizontal sbvertical sclineup sclinedown scpageup scpagedown scposition sctrack sctop scbottom scendscroll dsfocused dsselected dsnormal dstransparent itimage itmask stnone sttext vsicon vssmallicon vslist vsreport tbhorizontal tbvertical tmbottomright tmtopleft tmboth tsnone tsauto tsmanual gofixedvertline gofixedhorzline govertline gohorzline gorangeselect godrawfocusselected gorowsizing gocolsizing gorowmoving gocolmoving goediting gotabs gorowselect goalwaysshoweditor gothumbtracking gcslist gcsellipsis gcsnone ostext osplusminustext ospicturetext osplusminuspicturetext ostreetext ostreepicturetext oodrawtreeroot oodrawfocusrect oodrawstretchbitmaps gktext gkhorizontalbar gkverticalbar gkpie gkneedle cmblackness cmdstinvert cmmergecopy cmmergepaint cmnotsrccopy cmnotsrcerase cmpatcopy cmpatinvert cmpatpaint cmsrcand cmsrccopy cmsrcerase cmsrcinvert cmsrcpaint cmwhiteness pfdevice pf1bit pf4bit pf8bit pf15bit pf16bit pf24bit pf32bit tmauto tmfixed lbstandard lbownerdrawfixed lbownerdrawvariable br110 br300 br600 br1200 br2400 br4800 br9600 br14400 br19200 br38400 br56000 br57600 br115200 sbonestopbit sbone5stopbits sbtwostopbits prnone prodd preven prmark prspace fdansionly fdtruetypeonly fdeffects fdfixedpitchonly fdforcefontexist fdnofacesel fdnooemfonts fdnosimulations fdnosizesel fdnostylesel fdnovectorfonts fdshowhelp fdwysiwyg fdlimitsize fdscalableonly fdapplybutton dtreadonly dthidden dtsystem dtnormal dtall drtunknown drtremovable drtfixed drtremote drtcdrom drtramdisk ipproto_ip ipproto_icmp ipproto_igmp ipproto_tcp ipproto_pup ipproto_udp ipproto_idp ipproto_raw sock_stream sock_dgram sock_raw sock_rdm sock_seqpacket af_unspec af_unix af_inet af_implink af_pup af_chaos af_ipx af_ns af_iso af_osi af_ecma af_datakit af_ccitt af_sna af_decnet af_dli af_lat af_hylink af_appletalk af_netbios af_voiceview af_firefox af_unknown1 af_ban hstext hsownerdraw dupignore dupaccept duperror smclip smcenter smscale smstretch smautosize osempty osloaded osrunning osopen osinplaceactive osuiactive ffgeneral ffexponent fffixed ffnumber fareadonly fahidden fasysfile favolumeid fadirectory faarchive faanyfile poportrait polandscape qbcolor(0) qbcolor(1) qbcolor(2) qbcolor(3) qbcolor(4) qbcolor(5) qbcolor(6) qbcolor(7) qbcolor(8) qbcolor(9) qbcolor(10) qbcolor(11) qbcolor(12) qbcolor(13) qbcolor(14) qbcolor(15)