
RQ Project allows the creation and the compilation of a project.
A project consists of a source program BASIC, of an icone of application, options of compilation, files BASIC included and files resource.
The application compiled can be execute with or without debugage console.


The fives buttons of interface allow the creation of new project, the opening of a project, the safeguard of a project,
the compilation of a project and the call of help file.
The interface has four mitres, the first mitre allows the selection of a file source(programme basic), the selection of
the icone file.
Check box "Remove tmp file" allows the removal of the temporary file creates during compilation, this file east creates during compilation
if some options were selected, if more files (resources or BASIC) are included, if the debugage console is used.
If the temporary file is preserved, it can be execute with interface IDE of rapidQ because its contents comprise the directives of compilation.
Check box "Run after compiles" allows the éxecution of the project after compilation.

The text report of error of compilation in bottom of the interface is identical A that of the IDE of rapidQ with in more
one information on the size of the application creates and the total size of the resources included in the application.

The Options mitre proposes the options of compilation as well as the choice of the type of application has to create.

The Include mitre proposes to add or remove additional files BASIC whose source program can need.
These files can be components object, files of declarations of variables or other files BASIC.

The Resource mitre proposes to add or remove additional files resource whose source program can need.
These resources can be images file, sound files or other files.
As default the file name resource for the program will be the short name of file with replace of "." by "_" before extension.
Example: $RESOURCE image_bmp AS "c:\image.bmp"

The console of debugage is posted has the éxecution of the application if the instruction < RQDebug > is used by the source program.
This instruction makes it possible to post comments or values of variables in the debugage window which will not be posted that the first RQDebug instruction has met.
The removal of the débugage window is carried out by removing the RQDebug instruction or by putting this one in comment in the program.
The synthaxe of the RQDebug instruction of SUBI type is as follows:

  RQDebug VarName, VarVal

The first parameter must be of string type comprising the name of a variable or a comment like the example below:

  RQDebug "button1 click"

In this case the second parameter is not necessary, it is useful only to see the state of a variable.
The second parameter can be a string type, integer, length, shorts, single, Word, doubles, byte, its contents must correspond has the value of a variable like the example below:

  RQDebug "Form.visible", Form.visible