' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ByteCode Changing it's own code ReadMe Jacques August 4th, 2011 ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' If you want to recompile : - delete my compiled files ByteCodeFileLaucher.exe, DemoByteCodeModified.bc - Copy : RapidQ.Inc, RapidQ32.Dll, RapidQCC.Lib, Rc.Exe in this Directory - then run Compile.bat ---- Each time you will execute the ByteCodeFileLauncher.Exe, it will execute the DemoByteCodeModified.Bc and the text displayed in the RichEdit will be the one that was in the Edit Window went it was last close. The text of the string sTerry has been change in the bytecode without recompile. ---- The bytecode launcher is a long executable as you usually use. Jacques --------------------------------------------------------------------------