Build 2.29.04 Major Revision. Figured out how to add a REDIMable array to QChart. Trick is to use a DOUBLE Datatype and explicitly refer to the object in the REDIM statement. This results in a smaller, faster executable with cleaner, more efficient code in both the QChart object and in the calling programs. See QChartEx.rqb and QChart.html for examples of the new calling syntax. CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Replaced QStringGrid Data component with: Data: 2D Array of DOUBLE for all charts EXCEPT XY XYData: 3D Array of DOUBLE for XY Charts ONLY Cols: Property that sets number of series to plot Rows: Property that sets number of values per series to plot LabelList: QStringList component to hold X Axis label text LegendList: QStringList component to hold Legend text Missing: Now a DOUBLE property holding value that represents missing data *HiLo plots are now a unique ChartType with 2 styles: csAntenna and csHiLoBox *Complete rewrite of Appendix A Documentation Build 2.21.04 CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SaveChart Method: * Removed FileName Parameter * Added SaveAs Parameter: SaveAs = 0 Will save a previously saved chart without displaying a Save Dialog SaveAs = 1 Will always display Save As Dialog PrintChart Method: * Added a Colr Parameter: Colr = 0 prints in Black and White Colr = 1 prints in color or greyscale ADDED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CopyToClipboard Method: Syntax: CopyToClipboard (Wid As Integer, Hgt As Integer) Action: Copies current chart to Clipboard at specified width and height. CurrFile Property: CurrFile is a Private Property that keeps track of the current chart's filename. Used by SaveChart Method