based on Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 Appendix A:  QChart
 Copyright (c) 2003 Michael J. Zito

 QChart: A Charting Object for Rapid-Q

QChart provides a set of 2-D charting routines for Rapid-Q programmers.
It generates histograms, bar charts, XY-scatter graphs, line graphs
and box plots. Each charting routine will calculate an appropriate scale
and plot the data contained in the .Data component of the object. The user may optionally
specify the scaling as well as fonts, grids or other properties (see code)
Once the data is formatted graphs can be called with very few lines of simple code:
 ------->Change Desired Options Here
 ------->Dimension .Data Grid Here
 ------->Load Data Into .Data Grid Here
 .ChartType = ctXXXX
 .ChartStyle = csXXXX
 .DrawYYYY (Overlay T or F)
SEE QChartEx.rqb for examples of setting up and calling each chart type.

NOTE: There is little error checking in this object. It is up to the user
to insure that the data is formatted properly before calling each routine.
The .Data component is a non-visible QStringGrid which offers the user the
ability to set the row and column count prior to filling the grid with data.
The expected data formats for each chart type are listed below:

Bar and Line Charts: Data groups are in columns, data values are in each row
 Set .Data.ColCount to the number of groups
 Set .Data.RowCount to the number of data points in the largest group
 Row 0 is for legend text
 Col 0 is for X Axis Labels

 0 1 2 . . . n
 0 (*) <<======Legend======>>
 1 X A1 B1 . . . n1
 2 = A2 B2 . . . n2
 . L . . . . . .
 . b . . . . . .
 . l . . . . . .
 n s An Bn . . . nn

XY Scatter Charts: Data pairs are in adjacent columns: Col1 = X val, Col2 = Y val
 Data values are in each row
 Set .Data.ColCount to the number of XY pairs * 2
 Set .Data.RowCount to the number of data points in the largest group
 Row 0 of the Y Col is for group labels / legend text
 Col 0 and Row 0 of the X Col are not used (*)
 Data for each pair should be in ascending order on the X value

 Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair n
 ======= ======= ======
 0 1 2 3 4 . . . m n
 0 * * Lgd * Lgd * Lgd
 1 * x11 y11 x21 y21 . . . m1 n1
 2 * x12 y12 x22 y22 . . . m2 n2
 . * . . . . . . . . .
 . * . . . . . . . . .
 . * . . . . . . . . .
 n * x1n y1n x2n y2n . . . mn nn

Box Plots: Data groups are in columns, data values are in each row
 Set .Data.ColCount to the number of groups
 Set .Data.RowCount to 5
 Data must be set up with the highest value in row 1
 the lowest value in row 5 and intermediate values in
 descending order from row 1 to row 5.
 Row 0 is for legend text
 Col 0 is not used (*)

 Box Plots
 0 1 2 3 . . n
 0 * <<=====Legend======>>
 1 * Max
 2 * 3rd Quartile
 3 * 2nd Quartile (Median)
 4 * 1st Quartile
 5 * Min

QChart Properties
 Data AS QStringGrid Data to be plotted (See header notes for formats)
XAxis AS AxisType X-axis options
YAxis AS AxisType Y-axis options
bgColor AS INTEGER background color
fgColor AS INTEGER foreground color
ChartType AS INTEGER ctBar, ctXY, ctBox etc...
ChartStyle AS INTEGER csHisto, csLines, csPoints, csBoth etc...
MainTitle AS TitleType MainTitle Text and Location
MainFont AS QFont
SubTitle AS TitleType SubTitle Text and Location
SubFont AS QFont
XTitle AS TitleType X Axis Title Text and Location
YTitle AS TitleType Y Axis Title Text and Location
AxisLbl AS TitleType Axis Label Text and Location
AxisFont AS QFont
DoLegend AS INTEGER True = Draw Legend, False = No Legend
Legend AS TitleType Legend Text and Location
LegendFont AS QFont
ChartBorder AS INTEGER True = Draw Frame around entire chart, False = No Frame
AxisBorder AS INTEGER True = Draw Frame around Plot Area, False = No Frame
Colors(15) AS INTEGER Array of colors; QChart chooses colors from this
PlotAreaColr AS INTEGER Color of plot area background
GridColr AS INTEGER Color of grid lines
dlgSave AS QSaveDialog
MarkerSize AS SINGLE Sets size of drawn markers
BW AS INTEGER True = Use BW only, False = Cycles Colors() array
GreyScale AS INTEGER True = Use GreyScale, False = Cycles Colors() array
Series(30) AS SeriesType Series style info
FieldType R/WDefault Support
 '-- Bevel Style
CONST bvNone = 0
CONST bvLowered = 1
CONST bvRaised = 2

'-- Bevel Border
CONST bpNone = 0 '-- No visible border
CONST bpSingle = 1 '-- Single-line border

QChart Methods
RepaintSUBRefreshes panel and all contents0W

QChart Events
EventTypeOccurs when...ParamsSupport
OnClickVOIDUser clicked on open area of panel0WX
OnDblClickVOIDUser double clicked panel0W
OnMouseDownSUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)Mouse button held down4W
OnMouseMoveSUB (X%, Y%, Shift%)Mouse moves over panel3W
OnMouseUpSUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%)Mouse button is released4W

QChart Examples
'----- Compiler Directives 

'----- Code modules (Change path to point to the correct directory on your system) 
$INCLUDE "QChart.obj"

'----- Form Event SUB Declarations 

'----- API Constants and Functions 
CONST GWL_HWNDPARENT = (-8)                         'Minimize to task bar 
DECLARE FUNCTION SetWindowLong LIB "user32" ALIAS "SetWindowLongA"_
                 (hwnd AS LONG, nIndex AS LONG, dwNewLong AS LONG) AS LONG

'----- Rapid-Q Constants 
CONST alRight = 4
CONST poLandscape = 1

CREATE frmMain AS QForm

  Width = 640
  Height = 480
  Caption = "QChart Example"
  OnResize = frmMainResize

    CREATE drwHisto1 AS QButton
      Caption = "Histogram"
      OnClick = btnOnClick
    CREATE drwBar1 AS QButton
      Caption = "Bar Graph 1"
      Top = 25
      OnClick = btnOnClick
    CREATE drwBar2 AS QButton
      Caption = "Bar Graph 2"
      Top = 50
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwBar3 AS QButton
      Caption = "Bar Graph 3"
      Top = 75
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwXYpt AS QButton
      Caption = "XY Points"
      Top = 100
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwXYln AS QButton
      Caption = "XY Lines"
      Top = 125
      OnClick = btnOnClick    
    CREATE drwXYboth AS QButton
      Caption = "XY Both"
      Top = 150
      OnClick = btnOnClick    
    END CREATE    

    CREATE drwXYlog AS QButton
      Caption = "XY Logs"
      Top = 175
      OnClick = btnOnClick    
    END CREATE    

    CREATE drwLine AS QButton
      Caption = "Line Graph"
      Top = 200
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwLinePts AS QButton
      Caption = "Line w/Points"
      Top = 225
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwBox AS QButton
      Caption = "Box Plot"
      Top = 250
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwHiLo1 AS QButton
      Caption = "HLC Style 1"
      Top = 275
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE drwHiLo2 AS QButton
      Caption = "HLC Style 2"
      Top = 300
      OnClick = btnOnClick    

    CREATE btnRedraw AS QButton
      Caption = "Redraw"
      Top = 325
      OnClick = btnOnClick

    CREATE btnClear AS QButton
      Caption = "Clear"
      Top = 350
      OnClick = btnOnClick

    CREATE btnSave AS QButton
      Caption = "Save"
      Top = 375
      OnClick = btnOnClick

    CREATE btnPrint AS QButton
      Caption = "Print"
      Top = 400
      OnClick = btnOnClick

    CREATE btnExit AS QButton
      Caption = "Exit"
      Top = 425
      OnClick = btnOnClick
    CREATE Graph AS QChart                              'Create a copy of the new object 
      Align = alRight
      Width = frmMain.ClientWidth - btnClear.Width
      Height = frmMain.ClientHeight          
      Image.OnPaint = Graph.ImagePaint                  'This line REQUIRED to process Repaints 
    END CREATE'Graph 
END CREATE'frmMain   

'API Call that lets RapidQ programs minimize to the task bar 
setwindowlong(frmMain.handle, GWL_HWNDPARENT, HWND_DESKTOP)
setwindowlong(application.handle, GWL_HWNDPARENT, frmMain.handle)

WITH Graph
  .Initialize                                           'Set default values 
  .ClearBuffer                                          'Start with a clean slate 
  .ImagePaint                                           'Paint the blank Canvas 

'----- Event SUBs 

SUB btnOnClick (SENDER AS QButton)

  DIM i  AS INTEGER                                     'Loop counters... 
  DIM k  AS SINGLE                                      'A Scratch Variable 
  SELECT CASE Sender.Caption

    CASE "Histogram"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Histogram Example"           'Change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "No Grid, No Border"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .DoLegend = False        
        .AxisBorder = False
        .XAxis.Grid = False
        .YAxis.Grid = False
        .Data.ColCount = 1                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions     
        .Data.RowCount = 10
        j = 25                                          'Load the data                            
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.RowCount
          .Data.Cell(0,i) = "Class " + STR$(i)
          .Data.Cell(1,i) = STR$(RND * j)
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctBar                              'Bar Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csHisto                           'Histogram         
        .DrawBar (False)                                'Draw it! 
      END WITH

    CASE "Bar Graph 1"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Bar Graph Example 1"         'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Positive Values"        
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"                                  
        .XAxis.Grid = False
        .Data.ColCount = 5                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                          
        .Data.RowCount = 2
        k = 25                                          'Load the data                             
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = STR$(i)                   'Legend in Row 0 of each Col         
          FOR j = 1 TO .Data.RowCount
            .Data.Cell(i,j) = STR$(RND * k)
          NEXT j
        NEXT i
        FOR j = 1 TO .Data.RowCount
          .Data.Cell(0,j) = "Treatment " + STR$(j)      'X Labels in Col 0 of each Row 
        NEXT j
        .ChartType = ctBar                              'Bar Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csBar                             'Grouped Bars         
        .DrawBar (False)                                'Draw it! 
      END WITH

    CASE "Bar Graph 2"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Bar Graph Example 2"         'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Negative Values"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .Data.ColCount = 8                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions     
        .Data.RowCount = 1
        k = 25                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i)        'Legend in Row 0 of each Col         
          FOR j = 1 TO .Data.RowCount
            .Data.Cell(i,j) = STR$((RND) * -k)
          NEXT j
        NEXT i
        FOR j = 1 TO .Data.RowCount
          .Data.Cell(0,j) = "Level " + STR$(j)          'X Labels in Col 0 of each Row 
        NEXT j
        .ChartType = ctBar                              'Bar Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csBar                             'Grouped Bars          
        .DrawBar (False)                                'Draw it! 
      END WITH

    CASE "Bar Graph 3"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Bar Graph Example 3"         'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Positive and Negative Values"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .Data.ColCount = 4                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions     
        .Data.RowCount = 3
        k = 20                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Long Legend Title " + STR$(i)'Legend in Row 0 of each Col         
          FOR j = 1 TO .Data.RowCount
            .Data.Cell(i,j) = STR$((RND - RND) * k)
          NEXT j
        NEXT i
        FOR j = 1 TO .Data.RowCount
          .Data.Cell(0,j) = "Level " + STR$(j)          'X Labels in Col 0 of each Row 
        NEXT j
        .ChartType = ctBar                              'Bar Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csBar                             'Grouped Bars          
        .DrawBar (False)                                'Draw it! 
      END WITH
    CASE "XY Points"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Scatter Plot Example"        'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Data in All Four Quadrants"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .Data.ColCount = 16                             'Set .Data Grid dimensions                
        .Data.RowCount = 5
        k = .00100                                    '<-- change k for large and small values 
        RANDOMIZE                                       'Load the data 
        FOR i = 2 to .Data.ColCount STEP 2              'for each col pair 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i \ 2)    'Legend in 2nd Col (Y) of Pair, Row 0 
          FOR j = 1 to .Data.RowCount                   'add data to each row 
            .Data.Cell(i - 1 , j) = STR$(k * (RND - RND))'X Values in Col 1 
            .Data.Cell(i , j) = STR$(k * (RND - RND))   'Y Values in Col 2 
          NEXT j  
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctXY                               'XY Scatter Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csPointsOnly                      'Just the Points 
        .DrawXY (False)                                 'Draw it! 
      END WITH

    CASE "XY Lines"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Two Sine Curves"             'change desired options       
        .SubTitle.Text = "Out of Phase"
        .XTitle.Text = "Radians"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Sine of X"
        .BW = True                                   
        .YAxis.Div = 6
        .XAxis.AutoScale = False                        'Manually Scale 
          .XAxis.Max = 2                                'Set Max Manually 
          .XAxis.Min = 0                                'Set Min Manually           
        .YAxis.AutoScale = False                        'Manually Scale 
          .YAxis.Max = 1.5                              'Set Max Manually 
          .YAxis.Min = -1.5                             'Set Min Manually 
        .Data.ColCount = 4                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                
        .Data.RowCount = 21                             'Load the data 
        FOR i = 2 to .Data.ColCount STEP 2              'for each col pair 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i \ 2)    'Legend in 2nd Col of Pair, Row 0 
          .Series(i\2).LineStyle = (i\2-1) MOD 5        'Cycle line styles 
          FOR j = 1 to .Data.RowCount                   'add data to each row 
            .Data.Cell(i - 1 , j) = STR$((j-1)/10)      'X Values in 1st Col of Pair 
             k = ((j-1)/10 + [(i-2) * 4.75])* 3.141592
            .Data.Cell(i , j) = STR$(SIN(k))            'Y Values in 2nd Col of Pair 
          NEXT j  
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctXY                               'XY Scatter Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csLinesOnly                       'Just the Lines         
        .DrawXY (False)                                 'Draw it! 
      END WITH
    CASE "XY Both"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Scatter Plot With Lines"     'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "All options set to default"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"        
        .Data.ColCount = 4                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                
        .Data.RowCount = 11      
        k = 100                                         'Load the data 
        FOR i = 2 to .Data.ColCount STEP 2              'for each col pair 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i \ 2)    'Legend in 2nd Col of Pair, Row 0 
          FOR j = 1 to .Data.RowCount                   'add data to each row 
            .Data.Cell(i - 1 , j) = STR$(j)             'X Values in 1st Col of Pair 
            .Data.Cell(i , j) = STR$(RND * k)           'Y Values in 2nd Col of Pair 
          NEXT j  
        NEXT i
'        .Data.Cell(1,4) = ""                            'Uncomment to see how QChart 
'        .Data.Cell(4,8) = ""                            'handles missing data                 
        .ChartType = ctXY                               'XY Scatter Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csBoth                            'Lines and Points 
        .DrawXY (True)                                  'Draw it as an Overlay 

      END WITH

    CASE "XY Logs"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Log - Log Scaling"           'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Grid with no Tics"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis" 
        .YAxis.Tics = False
        .YAxis.LogScale = True
        .XAxis.Tics = False
        .XAxis.LogScale = True 
        .DoLegend = False                       
        .Data.ColCount = 2                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                
        .Data.RowCount = 10
        RANDOMIZE                                       'Load the data 
        FOR i = 2 to .Data.ColCount STEP 2              'for each col pair 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i \ 2)    'Legend in 2nd Col of Pair, Row 0 
          FOR j = 1 to .Data.RowCount                   'add data to each row 
            .Data.Cell(i - 1 , j) = STR$(j)             'X Values in 1st Col of Pair 
            .Data.Cell(i , j) = STR$(RND * 10^ (j/5))   'Y Values in 2nd Col of Pair 
          NEXT j  
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctXY                               'XY Scatter Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csBoth                            'Points and Lines 
        .DrawXY (True)                                  'Draw it! 
      END WITH

    CASE "Line Graph"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Simple Line Graph"           'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "X Labels Alternate Up and Down for Room"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .Data.ColCount = 5                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                
        .Data.RowCount = 12
        k = 18                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount                     'for each col 
          .Series(i).LineStyle = (i-1) MOD 5            'Cycle line styles           
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i)        'Legend in Row 0 of Each Col 
          FOR j = 1 to .Data.RowCount                   'add data to each row 
            .Data.Cell(0 , j) = "Label " + STR$(j)      'X Labels 
            .Data.Cell(i , j) = STR$(RND * k)           'Y Values 
          NEXT j  
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctLine                             'Line Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csLinesOnly                       'Lines only         
        .DrawLine (False)                               'Draw it! 
      END WITH    
    CASE "Line w/Points"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Line Graph With Points"      'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Tics Only, No Grid"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .BW = True
        .XAxis.Grid = False                             'Tics only 
        .YAxis.Grid = False
        .Data.ColCount = 4                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                
        .Data.RowCount = 6
        k = 18                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount                     'for each col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i)        'Legend in Row 0 of Each Col 
          FOR j = 1 to .Data.RowCount                   'add data to each row 
            .Data.Cell(0 , j) = "Lbl " + STR$(j)        'X Labels 
            .Data.Cell(i , j) = STR$(RND * k)           'Y Values 
          NEXT j  
        NEXT i
'        .Data.Cell(1,4) = ""                            'Uncomment to see QChart handle missing data 
        .ChartType = ctLine                             'Line Chart 
        .ChartStyle = csBoth                            'Points and Lines         
        .DrawLine (False)                               'Draw it! 
      END WITH 

    CASE "Box Plot"
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Box and Whisker Plot"        'change desired options 
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .XAxis.Grid = False
        .XAxis.Tics = False
        .YAxis.AutoScale = False
          .YAxis.Min = 0
          .YAxis.Max = 50
        .Data.ColCount = 16                             'Set .Data Grid dimensions                             
        .Data.RowCount = 5
        k = 10                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount                     'for each col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i)        'Legend in Row 0 of Each Col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 1) = STR$(RND * k + 40)        'Max Values 
          .Data.Cell(i , 2) = STR$(RND * k + 30)        'Q3 Values 
          .Data.Cell(i , 3) = STR$(RND * k + 20)        'Q2 Values 
          .Data.Cell(i , 4) = STR$(RND * k + 10)        'Q1 Values 
          .Data.Cell(i , 5) = STR$(RND * k)             'Min Values                                                 
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctBox                              'Box and Whisker Plot 
        .ChartStyle = csWhisker        
        .DrawBox (False)                                'Draw it! 
      END WITH  
    CASE "HLC Style 1"
      'NOTE: If values for .Data.Cells 2, 3 and 4 are set equal,  
      'Box routine will draw a Hi-Lo-Close antenna style graph 
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Hi-Lo-Close Plot"            'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Antenna Style"
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .XAxis.Grid = False
        .XAxis.Tics = False
        .Data.ColCount = 8                             'Set .Data Grid dimensions                             
        .Data.RowCount = 5
        k = 10                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount                     'for each col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i)        'Legend in Row 0 of Each Col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 1) = STR$(RND * k + 50)        'Hi Value 
          .Data.Cell(i , 2) = STR$(RND * k + 37)        '<-- Set all Three to  
          .Data.Cell(i , 3) = .Data.Cell(i , 2)         '<-- the mid or "Close" 
          .Data.Cell(i , 4) = .Data.Cell(i , 2)         '<-- Value 
          .Data.Cell(i , 5) = STR$(RND * k + 25)        'Lo Value 
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctBox                              'Hi-Lo-Close Plot 
        .ChartStyle = csHiLo        
        .DrawBox (False)                                'Draw it!     
      END WITH  

    CASE "HLC Style 2"
      'NOTE: If values for .Data.Cells 1 & 2 and 4 & 5 are set equal,  
      'Box routine will draw a Hi-Lo-Close box style graph 
      WITH Graph
        .Initialize                                     'Set defaults 
        .MainTitle.Text = "Hi-Lo-Close Plot"            'change desired options 
        .SubTitle.Text = "Box Style"        
        .XTitle.Text = "X Axis"      
        .YTitle.Text = "Y Axis"
        .XAxis.Grid = False
        .XAxis.Tics = False
        .Data.ColCount = 8                              'Set .Data Grid dimensions                             
        .Data.RowCount = 5
        k = 10                                          'Load the data 
        FOR i = 1 to .Data.ColCount                     'for each col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 0) = "Group " + STR$(i)        'Legend in Row 0 of Each Col 
          .Data.Cell(i , 1) = STR$(RND * k + 50)        'Hi Value 
          .Data.Cell(i , 2) = .Data.Cell(i , 1)         '<-- Set = to Hi Value  
          .Data.Cell(i , 3) = STR$(RND * k + 35)        'Close Value 
          .Data.Cell(i , 4) = STR$(RND * k + 20)        'Lo Value 
          .Data.Cell(i , 5) = .Data.Cell(i , 4)         '<-- Set = Lo Value 
        NEXT i
        .ChartType = ctBox                              'Hi-Lo-Close Plot 
        .ChartStyle = csWhisker                         'Whiskers are hidden :) 
        .DrawBox (False)                                'Draw it!     
      END WITH  
    CASE "Redraw"
      WITH Graph 
        .MainFont.Name =  "Times New Roman"              'Change some options  
        .SubFont.Name =   "Times New Roman"              'on the currently defined chart 
        .PlotAreaColr = .Colors(15)             
        SELECT CASE .SubFont.Size
          CASE .MainFont.Size
            .SubFont.Size = 12
          CASE ELSE
            .SubFont.Size = .MainFont.Size
        END SELECT
        SELECT CASE .DoLegend
         CASE TRUE
           .DoLegend = False
         CASE FALSE
           .DoLegend = True        
       SELECT CASE .GreyScale
         CASE TRUE
           .GreyScale = False
         CASE FALSE
           .GreyScale = True        
       .RedrawChart                                     'and redraw the chart 
    CASE "Clear"
      Graph.ClearBuffer                                 'Start with a clean slate 
      Graph.ImagePaint                                  'Paint the blank Canvas 
    CASE "Save"
      Graph.SaveChart ("")

    CASE "Print"
      Graph.PrintChart (Printer.PrinterIndex, poLandscape, 40, 1)

    CASE "Exit"


SUB frmMainResize (SENDER AS QForm)
  WITH Graph
    .Width = frmMain.ClientWidth - btnClear.Width       'Calculate new sizes 
    .Height = frmMain.ClientHeight          
    .RedrawChart                                        'Redraw the QChart Object 
  'Plus anything else that needs doing in your form resize 

Prev Component Contents Next Component