Companies like Avast boast of protecting users from web threats with their anti-virus.
Now this same company is trying to find holes in my site by injecting all kinds of hacker requests to try to flatten it.
It seems that all they know to do is to destroy the work of content creators on the web.
They supposedly want to protect users from threats whereas they are the ones who threaten content creators.
They are professional scammers.
October 13, 2024
September 10, 2024
Beware of faggots that try to steal your passwords with fishing email
Beware of faggots that try to steal your passwords with fishing email scam.
This kind of technique to steal your passwords should be severely punished.
Header : Received: from ([]:46051)

If the author of this email recognizes himself, stop your crap immediatly.
Phishing email scammers often use a technique called “spoofing” to make it appear as if the email is coming from a legitimate sender.
Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works:
- Create a fake email address: Scammers can easily create fake email addresses that look similar to real ones. For example, they might create “[email address removed]” to mimic the legitimate “” address.
- Set up a spoofing tool: There are various tools and software available online that can be used to spoof email headers. These tools allow scammers to manipulate the sender’s email address, the subject line, and other header information.
- Send the phishing email: Once the spoofing tool is set up, the scammer sends the phishing email, making it appear as if it came from the legitimate sender.
It’s important to note that while spoofing can make the email appear legitimate, it doesn’t guarantee that the recipient will be fooled. Many email providers have implemented measures to detect and block spoofed emails. Additionally, users can also protect themselves by being vigilant and aware of common phishing tactics.
According to the law: the perpetrator of a phishing scam shall be liable to: 5 years in prison; And from $375,000 of fine.
To clarify, this is totally illegal. Again, don’t spend your life wasting your time doing bad things.
Instead, be good. Goodness attracts goodness.
September 8, 2024
The concern regarding fake profiles on social networks
The concern regarding fake profiles on social networks arises from several key issues: financial fraud, political manip, user trust and loyalty.. Be careful when you invite someone on social networks. AI and advanced technologies make the trap even more difficult to discern.
Beware of telegram, twitter, and email canvassers
When you submit your website for SEO listing on various websites and directories, beware of telegram, twitter, and email canvassers that propose you to produce youtube videos for your product on their channel. This is often a scam because:
- they have bots and fake subscribers and followers on their account
- they produce bad quality video for your product
- they massively use ai to produce their videos
- the content of their channel is poor
Even if the price is low for a video (e.g. a few tens of dollars), don’t waste your time with these scammers! This won’t increase the value of your business.
January 5, 2024
February 24, 2023
Are you rather Windows or Linux ?
Why do i prefer Windows ?
- Compatible with most softwares apps and games available on the market
Why do i prefer Linux ?
- Prevents eavesdropping from Google, Microsoft, Akamai and Amazon when Online on the Internet
- Prevents waste of CPU resources from these companies
- As a result, CPU Fan is less used and thus the computer is now completely silent
- WineHQ seems to be faster and more stable
To conclude : I have no preference between Windows and Linux since they are complementary.
It depends on the usage that you do with your computer.
February 21, 2023
Technology and Hardware
OpenAI Product, Announcements ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response. We are excited to introduce ChatGPT to get users’ feedback and learn about its strengths and weaknesses. During the research preview, usage of ChatGPT is free. Try it now at
Developing safe and beneficial AI requires people from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds. View careers. I encourage my team to keep learning. Ideas in different topics or fields can often inspire new ideas and broaden the potential solution space. Lilian Weng Applied AI at OpenAI.
Amazon Fire TV is a line of digital media players and microconsoles developed by Amazon. The devices are small network appliances that deliver digital audio and video content streamed via the Internet to a connected high-definition television.
CPU benchmark with a huge database.
Nipogi Mini PC
Shop the Meta Quest 2 all-in-one VR headset and immerse yourself within new virtual worlds. Explore everything that our second gen VR device has to offer. Meta Quest 2: Immersive All-In-One VR Headset | Meta Store
Useful shell commands and apps under Ubuntu 12.04 and later
Useful shell commands and apps under Ubuntu 12.04:
“cat /var/log/apache2/access.log” provides information on the latest visitors to your website
For the last lines : “cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | tail”
To search lines containing a specific string use : “cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | grep [my string]”
To know if the user with ip surfed on the page contact.html use : “cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | grep | grep contact.html”
To display all the lines, except those containing my local address : “cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | grep -v”
tcpspy allows to log most of tcp connections.
Use “cat /var/log/syslog | grep tcpspy”
slurm : know your bandwidth usage
usage example : “slurm -i eth0”
snort gets all what passes by your Internet cable (useful to see all what is hidden with netstat, like udp connections)
usage example : “sudo snort -i eth0 -X -v”
tcpdump can also help you if you want to optimize your network
example : “sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n -N”
to know who is currently connected to your server use :
“netstat -taunp”
whois gets informations about the Internet services provider of an ip
usage example : “whois [ip or domain name]”
How to download an entire “Index of /” tree of a website ? : “wget -e robots=off -r —no-parent —reject “index.html*””
Some packages related to “os user statistics” you could remove :
“sudo apt-get remove –purge zeitgeist zeitgeist-core zeitgeist-datahub”
“sudo apt-get remove –purge unity-lens-shopping”
display only the last 333 lines of a file:
tail myfile.txt -n 333
display line jumps and line numbers of a file:
cat -A -n myfile.txt
search for the string “my search” in all files of the actual directory and subdirectories and display file path and name for each result:
grep “” * -r | grep “my search”
change the owner of all files, directories and subdirectories of the directory “mydir” to dupont:dupont:
chown dupont:dupont mydir -R
change chmod permissions to 400 for all files, directories and subdirectories of the directory “mydir”:
chmod 400 mydir -R
add chmod execution permission for the user of all files, directories and subdirectories of the directory “mydir”:
chmod u+x mydir -R
change chmod permissions to 400 for files but not directories :
find . -type f – print0 | xargs -0 chmod 400
find for files or directories which name look like “log” in all the tree “/var/log/”:
find /var/log/ | grep log
display the temperature near the cpu:
display all services with their status (started or not):
service –status-all
Tip to decrease the reactivity of your pc/laptop the way it consumes less energy and heats less:
Install and configure the packages laptop-mode and powernap and then start them with “sudo service myservice start”
You can also know the consumption of each process with the package powertop
how to display a list with the full process names (not truncated):
ps aux | less -+S
ps aux | most -w
how to display the list of all documents and files that has archived for the website :*/*
List all members of a group using members command:
Install it with “sudo apt-get install members”
use : “members mygroup”
To do integer & float calculations:
type “bc”
enter your calculation: type “1+1” and hit the enter key
type “quit” to quit the program
To list all users you can use:
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd
To add a new user you can use:
sudo adduser new_username
sudo useradd new_username
To remove/delete a user, first you can use:
sudo userdel username
Then you may want to delete the home directory for the deleted user account :
sudo rm -r /home/username
To modify the username of a user:
usermod -l new_username old_username
To change the password for a user:
sudo passwd username
To change the shell for a user:
sudo chsh username
To change the details for a user (for example real name):
sudo chfn username
To remove a user from a group use:
gpasswd -d user group
display the last (new) lines of a log file live:
tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
How do I download a package from apt-get without installing it?
There are a least these apt-get extension packages that can help:
apt-offline – offline apt package manager
apt-zip – Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media
This is specifically for the case of wanting to download where you have network access but to install on another machine where you do not.
Otherwise, the –download-only option to apt-get is your friend:
-d, –download-only
Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed.
Configuration Item: APT::Get::Download-Only.
Close a tcp connection 111.222.333.444 in netstat:
tcpkill -i eth0 host 111.222.333.444
You need the package dsniff
To see realtime usage by IP (rather, by IP and port):
sudo apt install tcptrack
sudo tcptrack -i eth0
To see realtime usage by MAC address, a nice ncurses based tool is iptraf-ng:
sudo apt install iptraf-ng
sudo iptraf-ng
(And then, select “LAN station monitor → eth0”.)
To see daily aggregate data volume by IP, my favourite is ipfm. Install with:
sudo apt install ipfm
Then configure in /etc/ipfm.conf according to man ipfm.conf and start with sudo ipfm
The host command in unix or linux operating system can be used to get the hostname from an IP address. An example is shown below:
> host is an alias for domain name pointer
Another way to get the hostname is to user the nslookup command.
> nslookup
Show tcp connections for my Firefox web browser on port 443 but hide ips like 92.223.127. and show only blocked connections
netstat -anlpc |grep ‘Lien vers fire’ | grep 443 | grep -v 92.223.127. | grep SYN_SENT
netstat -taunpc |grep ‘Lien vers fir’ | grep 443 | grep -v 92.223.127. | grep SYN_SENT
How to view Hard Disk Activity on Ubuntu:
install packages iotop or htop
Computer hardware info: sudo lshw
Memory info: sudo lshw -C memory
Find previous commands you typed in the terminal (netstat for example):
history | grep netstat
How to delete Mozilla Firefox telemetry trackers (site in french):
Block certain websites and limit access here’s what you need to know about the /etc/hosts file
By editing the hosts files, you can achieve the following things:
– Block a website
– Handle an attack or resolve a prank
– Create an alias for locations on your local server
– Override addresses that your DNS server provides
– Control access to network traffic
sudo gedit /etc/hosts
For example, if we want to block, we can add the following text to our file:
or simply
Save your changes
You don’t need to reboot or restart a service. Changes are instant.
How to manage rc.d and systemd services:
In which package can i find a specific file? Useful for C headers for example:
apt-file search pango.h | grep pango.h
result package: libpango1.0-dev: /usr/include/pango-1.0/pango/pango.h
Find packages related to llvm:
apt-cache search llvm
Find a package filename and its description:
apt-cache show llvm
Find a file quickly on your hard drive:
locate gtk.h
plocate gtk.h
mlocate gtk.h
whereis gtk
Run the package manager:
sudo synaptic
Return metainformation about installed libraries:
(useful for the gcc compiler using GTK in your code)
pkg-config gtk+-3.0 –libs
returns: -lgtk-3 -lgdk-3 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lharfbuzz -latk-1.0 -lcairo-gobject -lcairo -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
then you can compile your code with:
gcc myapp.c -lgtk-3 -lgobject-2.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lglib-2.0
kill a process by its name:
pkill galculator
List all processes by id # order:
ps -A
configure Wine:
Find an application from the Snap software list:
snap find tradingview
then install it with:
snap install tradingview
Text editors:
vi myfile.txt
nano myfile.txt
Remove a directory and all its content (subfolders and subfiles):
sudo rm -r -f myfolder
Don’t type all the characters in the terminal with a wildcard (faster):
(with Wine installed)
cd ~/.win*
cd dr*
then list the files in the windows directory:
ls win*
cd win*s
then list all files with details (file size etc…):
ls -l
then run notepad.exe with wine:
wine notepad.exe
Read the manual of a tool (nano for example):
man nano
Clear the terminal text:
Go to the home folder:
cd ~ (Tilde)
Know the current path folder:
Determine direct shared object dependencies of a linux binary:
readelf -d myprogram
La section dynamique à l’offset 0x6c40 contient 31 entrées :
Étiquettes Type Nom/Valeur
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How to run a Linux terminal under Windows?
– install Cygwin
How to run a Linux terminal under Android?
– install Termux
How to run Windows apps under Linux?
– install Wine
type in the terminal: wineconsole cmd
for the Windows Commands Interpreter (like Windows’s cmd.exe)
How to repair a failed or corrupted media using fsck :
in root type: /usr/sbin/dosfsck -w -r -l -a -v -t /dev/sdc1
where sdc1 is the media
List of keyboard shortcuts
Here are some keyboard shortcuts that i used to use
– in the linux shell, type the beginning of a command that you usually use and press two times on the tab key, the way to let it guess what should follow or to get choices between several possibilities
– shift+fn and key up or down to scroll the text rapidly in the shell
– ctrl+shift and key up or down to scroll the text slowly in the shell
– fn and key up or down in the vi or nano editor to scroll the text faster
– ctrl+d in the web browser to bookmark the page
– alt+tab to switch between opened applications
– ctrl+c to terminate a console program
– under Linux : ctrl+alt+backspace to close the active session (useful in case of blocking)
– under Linux : hold alt+left click on the inside of a Windows and move it
– key “F2” to rename a file in the file explorer
– ctrl+a to select all files or all text
– ctrl+c to copy the selection
– ctrl+v to paste the selection
– ctrl+x to cut the selection
– ctrl+t to open a new tab in the web browser
– alt+f4 to close a window
– key up or down in the shell to recover commands done previously
– backspace in the file explorer to go back to the parent directory or to go back to the previous page in the web browser
– the vi editor under Linux is a bit complicated to use. Here are some tips :
Press the “a” key to begin to type your text and press ecape when you have finished the typing
Type : “/mysearch” and press enter to search for “mysearch” in the file, then press “n” to go to the next occurrence and shift+n to go to the previous occurrence.
Exit the typing (escape) and press two times on “d” to delete an entire line.
Type “:q” and press enter to quit or “:q!” to quit without saving the changes. Type “:wq” to save and quit the file.
– in notepad, gedit, web browsers or all other text editors : ctrl+f to search for a string
– only in notepad, Windows editors and web browsers under Windows or Linux : after a string search press “F3” to go to the next occurrence.
– in majority of editors press ctrl+s to save changes
– Using keyboard shortcuts for copy pasting in the terminal. On Ubuntu and many other Linux distributions, you can use Ctrl+Insert or Ctrl+shift+C for copying text and Shift+Insert or Ctrl+shift+V for pasting text in the terminal.
Ctrl+Insert to copy and shift+insert to paste text in the shell or in vi, nano or in all other shell editor
– in the shell : double click on a word, then right click on it and copy to copy the text
– ctrl+alt+l to lock the current session
– ctrl+alt+t to run the linux terminal
– set focus to the url bar in your webbrowser: alt+d
– exit session from command line: ctrl+alt+t then gnome-session-quit
– shift+page up or shift+page down to scroll the text in the terminal
– Create Symlink in Linux
To create a symlink without a terminal, just hold Shift+Ctrl and drag the file or folder you want to link to to the location where you want the shortcut.
– type “whereis myfile” in the terminal where myfile is the file you are looking for