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October 2, 2024

The benefits of using a PSA Oxygen Concentrator coupled with Hepa carbon filter and Ionic Air Purifiers in a confined environment

Filed under: Electronics,Nutrition and Health,Reiki,Sciences — admin @ 3:20 am
  • For people with “unexplained” health problems
  • PSA technology: Pressure Swing Adsorption
    separate different gas in the air, like oxygen and nitrogen, to obtain concentrated oxygen flux.
    zeolite filter, is a mineral than absorbs selectively certain molecules like nitrogen azote and let the oxygen go
    PSA Oxygen Concentrator is simple technology, reliable, secure and autonomous
    They are a relatively inexpensive and salutary
    Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral or a synthetic material with a porous structure. It’s composed of silica, alumina, and water. The unique structure of zeolites allows them to absorb and release molecules of specific sizes, making them valuable in various applications.
    Zeolites are porous materials that can also be used to capture carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Yes, humans can tolerate higher levels of CO2 when there’s more oxygen available.
    Research indicates that higher levels of oxygen can enhance the body’s ability to manage CO2 levels effectively.
    When oxygen levels are increased, the body can better handle CO2 due to improved oxygenation of tissues. This is particularly relevant in hypoxic conditions where supplemental CO2 has been shown to improve oxygen saturation and tension
    Increased oxygen availability can help counteract the negative effects of CO2 retention, such as respiratory acidosis, by promoting better gas exchange and reducing the workload on the respiratory system
    In summary, the human organism generally tolerates CO2 better when there is a higher percentage of oxygen available, as this improves overall respiratory efficiency and tissue oxygenation.
  • Increased oxygen levels can help offset the effects of higher CO2 levels, preventing acidosis
  • You should maintain TVOC levels below 0.500 mg/m3 in your house to keep healthy
    Less than 0.3 mg/m3 Low (Good)
    0.3 to 0.5 mg/m3 Acceptable
  • Long-term exposure to these pollutants can lead to chronic health conditions that significantly impact quality of life and longevity.
  • You should maintain CO2 levels below 800 ppm in your house to keep good cognitive performance and below 900-1000 ppm to avoid health problems.
  • And do not forget to leave the window open as often as possible, as this is the best and simple way to get fresh air. People spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, making indoor air quality crucial for health. Research indicates that improvements in air quality can lead to a remarkable 15% increase in lifespan due to reduced exposure to harmful pollutants.

All the best

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