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April 28, 2024

Fact : very often, people with (unwanted) white hair do not know how to cure and reverse the process

Filed under: Nutrition and Health,Reiki,Sciences,Spirituality — admin @ 2:32 pm

Generally, foods with dark color have high nutritional value and black food is one of them. Foods with black appearance usually bring many health effects. Here are six types of black foods you should be eating. Look at your hair and how they are, they are a good indicator of your overall health.

  1. Detox your digestive system (liver, gallbladder) ( https://www.qchartist.net/blog/how-to-cure-weight-gain-and-all-other-side-effects-associated-with-the-intake-of-antipsychotic-drugs/ )
  2. Take these minerals and pigments with these food :

anthocyanins = the pigment you need

Products that help to restore beautiful hair and pigmentation :

  • black beans
  • black rice
  • black sesame seeds
  • black and red dates
  • blackberries, mulberries
  • black fungus
  • lentils
  • he shou wu
  • walnuts
  • flaxseed
  • longan
  • Brahmi
  • kudzu
  • sage
  • avocado
  • cumin seed
  • oregano leaf
  • cilantro seed
  • Coconut
  • Aamla (Indian Gooseberry)
  • Gotu Kola

They are anti aging, good for the liver.

White hair can also be caused by hormones imbalance (eg. too much testosterone). To restore hormone balance, take saw palmetto, pygeum, nettle root, bee pollen, pumpkin seeds, wild yam, dong quai, …

Increase melanin production with these food :






and more here :



Paradoxically, these are food that most people don’t eat often.

More info :



7 Flaxseed Benefits for Hair: How To Use It for Hair Growth

Lignans: The Flaxseed Miracle For Hair Restoration

+ consider to take these : https://www.qchartist.net/blog/how-to-cure-weight-gain-and-all-other-side-effects-associated-with-the-intake-of-antipsychotic-drugs/

3. Take these supplements and food (anti-aging) :

+ consider to take these : https://www.qchartist.net/blog/some-of-the-best-nutrients-that-will-keep-you-healthy/

4. Important to notice : white or gray hair can also be the consequence of mid/long term exposition to bad air quality and polluted air. Respiratory discomfort can also be due to intoxication and resultant body perspiration that releases nocive tvoc. If you encounter this problem (and/or eye floaters), you should leave your windows and doors open as often as possible, make air current, and please follow your air quality with a tvoc (volatile organic compounds) + co2 + hcho + pm2.5 + pm10 meter electronic box and buy air purifiers, also use surgical masks can help. Do oxygenotherapy with oxygen concentrator. And important : take showers regulary with soap and shave your beard to remove perspiration (around the nose). And change clothes more often. Take care of you.

All the best

#anticontravener #antitoxins #ecologist we are not trash cans of toxins and chemicals #reverseaging say no to big pharma #bryanjohnson #zerowaste #savetheplanet #homeostasis #gogreen #sobriety #freedom say no to processed food #resilience #strength say no to deforestation #healthysnacks #detox Animals or humans that do not intend to kill us must not be killed or tortured. Only exception: when we must eat to survive. #detox #vegetarian #ethic #empathy Do not respond to violence by being violent. #antiambush #iamnotnaive #iamnotafool

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