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February 21, 2023

Some of the best nutrients that will keep you healthy

Filed under: Nutrition and Health — admin @ 2:34 pm

Here are some of the best nutrients and food to take together that will keep you healthy :

Voici quelques uns des meilleurs nutriments et aliments à prendre ensemble qui vont vous garder en bonne santé :

Red Ginseng – Translation fr : Ginseng Rouge
Rhodiola rosea – Translation fr : Rhodiole
Maca (Lepidium Meyinii) – Translation fr : Maca
Ginkgo Biloba – Translation fr : Ginkgo Biloba
Vitamin C + Magnesium
Brewer’s yeast + Selenium – Translation fr : Levure de Bière
Fenugreek – Translation fr : Fenugrec
Eleutherococcus – Translation fr : Eleutherocoque
Ginger – Translation fr : Gingembre
Nettle root – Translation fr : Ortie Racine
Saw palmetto – Translation fr : Fruit du palmier de Floride Sabal
– Pygeum



Please respect the daily recommended dosage.
Take 1/3 of the max. daily dosage in the morning,
1/3 of the max. daily dosage at the mid day,
and 1/3 of the max. daily dosage in the evening.
(4 hours interval)

Veuillez respectez la dose journalière recommandée. Prenez 1/3 de la dose journalière maximum le matin, 1/3 de la dose journalière max. à midi et 1/3 de la dose journalière max. le soir.

If you have lose stools, the dosage is probably too much : then take the supplements only 2 times per day (the morning and the mid day, not the evening.)

Si vous avez les selles moles, le dosage est probabelement trop important : alors prenez les compléments seulement 2 fois par jour (le matin et le midi, pas le soir).

Before consumption, always taste before (especially capsules), to be sure that products are good, digestible and edible.

Avant de consommer, toujours gouter avant (surtout les gelules), pour etre sur que les produits sont bons, digestes et comestibles.

– Lemon
Linseed / Flaxseed crushed with a mill / mixer / grinder – Translation fr : Graines de lin moulues
Pumpkin seeds – Translation fr : Graines de courge
Sunflower seeds – Translation fr : Graines de tournesol
– Celery
– Broccoli
– Banana
– Dates
– Pineapple (juice)
– Oat, whole grains
– Fish, Seafood
– Nuts

-peanuts (not salted)
– Lentils or Chickpeas
– Butter
– Milk, dairy
– Mushrooms
– Spinach
– Blueberries
Turmeric – Translation fr : Curcuma
Garlic – Translation fr : Ail
– Carrot

– Asparagus
– Chamomile infusion
– Dark chocolate (1 piece per day)
Tomato concentrate – Translation fr : Concentré de tomate
Soy – Translation fr : Pousses de Soja
Apple cider vinegar (occasionally if you have digestive problems) (no more than 1 tablespoon per day) – Translation fr : Vinaigre de Cidre de Pomme

– beets

Apple cider vinegar in capsules (powder) can be a great alternative to the classical bottle. And you can take it with you everywhere.

– Grapefruit, pomelo
Onion (red) (1/2 per day) – Translation fr : Oignon

Quark (cheese) – Translation fr : Fromage blanc

Cayenne Pepper – Translation fr : Poivre Noir de Cayenne

– Infusion Pepper Mint – Licorice – Mallow – Green Anise – Green Tea or Licorice – Cinnamon – Ginger – Cardamom – Clove – ChamomileThyme – Translation fr : Infusion Réglisse, Camomille et Thym

Bee Pollen – Translation fr : Pollen de fleurs (d’abeilles)


  • If you have palpitations during a long time or panic attacks take 1 mg Lorazepam occasionally (prescribed by your health care doctor). This is the only chemical for which i did not find a natural replacement yet. Maybe Kava Root is a natural replacement but i never tried it yet. But it is important to use the drug if you want to stop palpitations. Nb : beware of the addiction that this kind of medication can generate.
  • Some natural alternatives exist like Ginseng, Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Valerian root, Escholtzia, Passionflower (Passiflore), Hawthorn (Aubépine) but they are less potent. These herbs are also good to remove stress and anxiety. It is worth giving it a try.

In bold are those that we should take every day. Then you can add some more during the day (celery, tomatoes, and fish for example)

En gras sont ceux que vous devriez prendre chaque jour.

+ consider to take these : https://www.qchartist.net/blog/fact-very-often-people-with-unwanted-white-hair-do-not-know-how-to-cure-and-reverse-the-process/

+ consider to take these : https://www.qchartist.net/blog/how-to-cure-weight-gain-and-all-other-side-effects-associated-with-the-intake-of-antipsychotic-drugs/

If you take them every day, these products will relieve :

Si vous les prenez chaque jour, ces produits vont soulager :

toothache – Translation fr : problèmes dentaires
skin disorders – Translation fr : problèmes de peau
stomac pain – Translation fr : maux d’estomac
infertility – Translation fr : infertilité
obesity – Translation fr : obesité
poisonings – Translation fr : empoisonnement
tumors – Translation fr : tumeurs
dry mouth – Translation fr : bouche sèche
cold – Translation fr : refroidissement
brittle nails – Translation fr : ongles abimés
headache – Translation fr : maux de tête
frequent urination
hair concerns – Translation fr : problèmes de cheveux
tinnitus – Translation fr : acouphènes
liver problems – Translation fr : problèmes de foie
dizziness – Translation fr : vertiges

etc …

These products changed my life.

Ces produits ont changé ma vie.

#Boost #Combo #Remedy #Remedies #Potion #GrandOeuvre Grand Oeuvre #Naturopathy #Alchemy #Alchemist

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